Insider 09 / 2013
BEVERAGES / INGREDIENTS 61 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 09/13 the Döhler R & D include a new range of “brown” flavours. These range from chocolate, cocoa, nut, nougat and coffee through to caramel and vanilla, each available in what the company describes as a “diverse range of nuances”. As well as extracts and natural flavours, the company also offers a number of compositional flavours. At the flavours sector Döhler seizes the current consumers trend to the taste of honey in extensive varieties. The taste notes of honey provide the fin- ishing touch to many fruity and spicy taste nuances. Another important trend is ginger. While the fruity and spicy root was used mostly in Asian cuisine in the past, it is jazzing up supermarket shelves around the world today. The company has developed a broad portfolio of ginger flavours, in line with this “hot” trend. Geographically speaking, Döhler has 50 sales offices around the globe and business activities in more than 130 countries. Among other regions the BRIC states are a relevant focus. Low-cal sweeteners The worldwide trend to low calorie drinks here is Stevia, for example, a sweetener that acknowledges the trend towards naturalness and low calorie products. Döhler has devel- oped products sweetened with Multi- Sweet Stevia for all relevant catego- ries of beverages and milk products. The range extends to soft drinks, still drinks, sports drinks, tea drinks, nec- tars, beer mixes, drinking yoghurts, spoonable yoghurts and desserts. The Döhler product MultiSweet Stevia allows us, depending on the prod- uct, to achieve a reduction of 5-6 Brix sugar. Stevia, however, although it has significantly fewer calories, instead features an innate bitter taste similar to liquorice which the majority of people find unpleasant. The aroma technology “Sweetness Improving Technology“ (SIT) is intended to mask the liquorice after-taste and thus improve the sensory characteristics of Stevia. Its collaboration with PureCir- cle, the company that manufactures and markets natural Stevia sweeten- ers, gives Döhler access to the raw ingredients used in Stevia. In the natural low calorie sweeteners sector, Döhler also opts for de-acidified apple or pear juice in addition to Stevia and the classic sweeteners. Sustainability With the increasing demand for mixed drinks the topic of raw mate- rials shortages can no longer be disregarded, even in the sector of beverage ingredients. This is why the company sites its production locations almost directly under the fruit trees of the world. The trend is moving in the direction of regional juices, unmixed for small bottling plants, but also towards low fruit content drinks. Furthermore Döhler has commit- ted itself to a “Code of Conduct“ SGF / Global G.A.P., and is pressing ahead with the implementation of this code among its suppliers. In addition, the ingredients manufacturer is having comprehensive raw materials analyses (contaminants, residues) carried out in cooperation with the leading institutes. Olaf Biedekarken, Head of Sensory and Consumer Science at Döhler, (left) and Alexander Büchler 360° GHYHORSPHQW Â KLJK FDYL W\ PRXOGV Â PXO W L FRPSRQHQW LQMHFW L PRXOGV Â WHFKQRORJ\ FHQW UH Â SURGXFW LRQ VXSSRU W Â GHYHORS KLJK FDYL W\ PRXOGV Â PXO W L FRPSRQHQW LQMHFW LRQ PRXOGV WHFK FHQW UH Â SURGXFW LRQ VXSSRU W Â GHYHORSPHQW Â KLJK FDYL W\ PXO W L FRPSRQHQW LQMHFW LRQ PRXOGV Â WHFKQRORJ\ FHQW UH Â SUR VXSSRU W Â GHYHORSPHQW Â KLJK FDYL W\ PRXOGV Â PXO W L FRPSR LQMHFW LRQ PRXOGV Â WHFKQRORJ\ FHQW UH Â SURGXFW LRQ VXSSRU GHYHORSPHQW Â KLJK FDYL W\ PRXOGV Â PXO W L FRPSRQHQW LQMHFW L z PRXOGV development KLJK FDYLW\ PRXOGV PXOWL FRPSRQHQW LQMHFWLRQ PRXOGV WHFKQRORJ\ FHQWUH SURGXFWLRQ VXSSRUW FRPSHWHQW ± SURIHVVLRQDO ± LQVSLULQJ H RHFKVWHU St UDVVH · Do UQELU n, A XVWULD · T · www.z PRXOGV FR m drinktec 2013 LQ Munich September 16 to 20 +RSH WR VHH \RX at RXU ERRWK B3, 220 P