Insider 09 / 2013
BEVERAGES / INGREDIENTS 66 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 09/13 satisfied in the industrial countries, with figures remaining static, although at a high level. In these countries premium quality, NFC juices and low- acid products are currently particularly in demand. The wellness and health trend is as strong as ever; and market researchers are noting a further shift towards high-quality products with added benefit through functional ingredients or organic features. Euro- monitor sees the global per capita consumption of fruit and vegetable juices rising from the current 10.5l (2012) to 12.4l by 2016 (total volume from 73 billion l to 90 billion liters by 2016) This corresponds to an average annual growth of 5.3%. The market for energy drinks is characterised by its ongoing dynamic development and is currently diversi- fying rapidly. drinktec 2013 is show- casing the new generation of energy drinks, featuring fruit, natural malt com- ponents and tea and coffee flavours. Milk Market surveys undertaken by Euromonitor underline the globally very positive picture for the dairy industry. Worldwide milk production is expected to increase from the current level of 126 billion litres to around 137 billion by 2015. The trend leaders, with the biggest rates of increase, will be Asia and the Pacific Region. Here Euromonitor sees volumes growing from 31 billion litres today to 37 bil- lion, while consumption in Europe and North America is set to stagnate at a high level. In many of these strong- growth countries milk is consumed mainly as a beverage. In China, for example, the milk drinking proportion of the overall volume of milk pro- cessed is over 90%. In Germany, by comparison, it is at around 20%. Beer Growth in volumes will continue to be a feature of the global beer market for many, many years to come, according to the market researchers. The simple reason is that world- wide per-capita consumption is still below 30l. Canadean, for example, is predicting that between 2009 and 2015 the world beer market will have grown by 2.8% per year on average. For Asia, Canadean is forecasting an annual average increase of 5% for the same period. These British market researchers also predict an annual rise of 5% for the African beer market, 3% for South America and 5.5% for the Middle East. For Eastern Europe their forecast is a rise of only around 1.5%, and, for North America, even lower, at only 0.5%. For Western Europe, Canadean is even predicting a small decline. As growth hot spots, they have identified Kazakhstan, Viet- nam, Angola and India, some of which will see double-digit increases. Special area “New Beverage Concepts”Innovative beverage con- cepts with new blends have led to unusual flavours being developed. Ingredients such as ginger, fresh coconut water, mint flavourings and Chinese red date are lending an exotic touch. Coconut flesh feels remarkable in the mouth as does “bubble tea” with its toppings in a wide variety of flavours. Fruits such as elderberry and rhubarb are currently causing a stir in the beverage sec- tions in European stores, and newly developed flavour technologies are supporting this trend. In the Special Area “New Beverage Concepts” in Hall B1 at drinktec 2013, product managers and marketing experts are demonstrating the latest concepts in sweetening, flavour and colour. Special events Marketing and marketing ideas come under the spotlight at the new Innovation Flow Lounge (IFL) at the West Entrance. On Wednesday, Sep- tember 18, 2013, IFL partner Krones is presenting new packaging concepts and ideas. Also on this day visitors will get the chance to find out more about examples of best practics, e.g. of Coca Cola and Carlsberg. In the IFL on the Monday and Tuesday of the show, soft-drinks executives will be able to pick up ideas on success- ful marketing: IFL partner Krones is addressing the question of “What raw materials are needed for successful marketing?” drinktec has hosted the presen- tation of the “Beverage Innovation Awards” before, in 2009. Prizes are being awarded in categories such as fruit juice, functional drinks, energy drinks, best additives and ingredients and best marketing campaign, but there are also awards for the best initiatives in areas such as sustain- ability and health. In conjunction with FoodBev Media, 27 prizes are being awarded in six categories, and for the first time there will be an award for innovative beverage technology. The winners will be announced on Thurs- day, September 19, 2013.