Insider 09 / 2013
PET bottles 90 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 09/13 Home + Personal Care Bottle comes with refill You, a brand name of the French company Laboratoires Salveco, is selling its environ- mentally friendly household cleaner with an innovative re-fill pack. The clear, 500ml content bottles made from PET are sealed with a screw- on pump dispenser.Once the product has been used up the dispenser is unscrewed, the bottle filled with water and re- fill pack complete with concen- trate (contents 12ml, separate purchase) is screwed on. At the same time the concentrate is released and mixed with the water by repeated shaking. Unscrew concentrate con- tainer, screw on dispensing pump again and the product is thoroughly mixed and ready for use. Viss with cardboard slip case When it comes to the re-introduc- tion or re-launch of a product with an improved formula it is important to identify a bold yet simple way of making it stand out so as to attract the attention of the customer. The display surface of the familiar Viss bottle made from PET with a content of 750ml has been changed to such an extent by means of a cardboard slip case that it is possible to sum- marise the advantages of the product in such a way that they are readily visible and readable. The slip case is pushed over the pump dispenser and at the same time secured in position. Precision-engraved bottle Mitra Ltd, Minsk, Belarus, recently introduced a precision-engraved 500ml personal care product PET bottle in Russia. The new b is the result of the latest collaboration between R&D/Leverage Europe and Mitra Ltd., “According to Magdalena Villate, Account Manager, R&D/Lev- erage Europe, the region represents significant growth opportunities. “The Russian cosmetics market, now esti- mated at € 10.8 billion and the fifth- largest in Europe, is expected to grow to € 15.6 billion by 2015,” she said. In addition, she noted that the demand for premium type consumer packaging – such as the clarity of engraving evidenced in this particular bottle, used in Clever Com- pany-branded personal care products – is growing fast throughout the region.