Insider 11 / 2013

EDITOUR REPORTS 13 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 11/13 At a local level, Cervecería Quilmes made a major contribu- tion during the 60s to the construction of an accommodation complex for its employees covering an area of around 50ha. Later, during the 1990s, Cervecería Quilmes was increas- ingly involved with sustainability and the awareness of finite resources. One of the results was investment in research programmes into barley-related plant gene technology and the drawing up of an ecological policy to guide its future corporate development. Away from activities at the brewery, in 1994 a water bottling line was installed in Tunuyan, Mendoza for the brand Eco de los Andes. This Business Unit eventually grew in 1999 into a joint venture with Nestlé Waters. In the same year Quilmes took over the largest Pepsi bottler Baesa, thus paving the way for an advance into the CSD sector. 2002 saw the start of the company’s strategic re-orien- tation in association with the Brazilian company AmBev, and completed in 2006 becoming part of the InBev´s Group (larg- est beer company in the world, based in Leuven, Belgium). Cervecería Quilmes, plus the expansion to include water and CSDs, today accounts for a total capacity above of 30 million hectolitres at nine loca- tions in Argentina. All beers are sold both in glass bottles and in cans. At its production locations in Planta Sur (Caba), to the south of Buenos Aires, and Cordoba, the company has gone for PET in addition to Tetrapacks and cans. There are four PET lines installed at the Planta Sur location which are used for filling carbon- ated and non-carbonated soft drinks into 0.5l, 1.5l, 2l, 2.25l and 3l capacity bottle sizes. In Cordoba are two PET lines filling 1.5l, 2l and 2.25l bot- tles, and also one PET filling line in Corrientes; Mendoza, Tucumán and Trelew. Coun- tries to which beer products are exported include Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, the USA, Spain, France, the UK and Italy. The overall product range is a comprehensive one: in addition to seven different varieties of Quilmes beer and eleven other beers such as, for example, Brahma, Stella Artois and Iguana, the brewery also bottles eleven soft drinks, including Pepsi, Mirinda and Seven-Up and Gatorade and distributes Nestlé Water prod- ucts. The annual total produc- Quilmes beers – not only pretty big on the market but also loom- ing large on the wall: (F.l.t.r.) Kay Barton, Juan Pablo Zug, Pack- aging Development Manager for LAS (Latin America South) and Pablo Heras, Packaging Engineer tion is around 17 million hl beer and 8 million hl soft drinks and water.