Insider 11 / 2013
25 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 11/13 Caps and closures Bottle-to-bottle recycling plants Preform and single stage machinery Preforms Preform / Stretch blow moulds Two-stage SBM machinery Filling equipment Resins / Additives Compressors Closure systems Compressors Compressors – not often in the spotlight perhaps, yet a vitally important component of PET bottle production, and with significant potential in energy-saving. Our annual Market Survey takes a closer look at these unsung heroes of the PET industry, featuring nine compressor manufac- turers and their product range (in alphabetical order): Aeroflon, Arizaga Bastarrica y Cia, Atlas Copco, Boge, Gardner Denver, Ingersoll Rand, Kaeser, Leobersdorfer, Siad. In the table the suppliers are listed in the order in which their details were received by the editors. Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. 11/2013 MARKET survey Company name Kaeser Kompressoren AG Arizaga, Bastarrica y Cía, S.A. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Carl-Kaeser-Str. 26, 96450 Coburg, Germany +49 9561 640-0 Wolfgang Hartmann Marketing Manager +49 9561 640-252 +49 9561 640-890
[email protected] Pol. Ind. Azitain 6, 20600 Eibar, Spain +34 943 820 400 Ignacio Azcuna Product Manager +34 630 751 355 +34 943 820 235 i
[email protected] 1. Machine designation/model number Sigma PETAir Boosters 3THA-3-LT 4HA-4-TER-LT 3HA-4-LT 3HA-4-TER-LT 4HA-6-TER-LT 4HA-6-TRIS-LT 4HP-4-LT 3HP-4-LT 4HP-6-LT 2. Number of models in range 25 14 3 4 4 2 4 4 5 5 3 3. Output in m³/h 336 - 2,772 m³/h > 10,000 525 860 1,031 1,443 1,700 2,321 3,087 4,135 6,004 4. Compressor type Low pressure air Screw type High pressure blowing air (up to 40 bar) Piston type Recipro- cating Integrated system Reciprocating 5. Lubricated or oil-free Low pressure compressor Lubricated Booster compressor Lubricated Oil-free Integrated system Oil-free 6. Machine layout "V" (2 cylinder), "W" (3 cylinder) 7. Number of compressor stages 1+1 1 or 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 8. Are special foundations required ? No No No 9. Cooling system Air (water option) Water Water 10. Belt or direct drive Low pressure compressor Direct Booster compressor Belt Belt Integrated system Belt Direct