Insider 12 / 2013
EDITOUR REPORTS 13 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 Juices and energy drinks are fast growing products The interesting trend of the market share of fruit/veg- etable juices is evident from Diagram 3. Over the past year this has shown relatively constant growth of 17.5% on average. This is particularly high by comparison with Latin America where the average growth in the last five years for this type of drink has been only 9%. However, it should be noted that, as is the case with diagram 1, it is clear that in 2012 the juices only had a share of 4% (20.3m litres) of the trading volume for soft drinks in Uruguay. Relatively high (on aver- age 39%) but very volatile is the annual growth rate for sports and energy drinks over the past few years. In 2012 these drinks accounted for only around 0.7% of the trading volume of soft drinks in Uruguay. In the rest of Latin America, however, this market has developed during the past few years with a rel- atively constant growth rate of around 10%. It is therefore not inconceivable that the rate of growth of sports and energy drinks in Uruguay will stabilise in the future with an increase in absolute market volume. Our contacts in Uru- guay estimate that, in the coming years, the market for flavoured water in Uruguay will grow. There are some predictions pointing to an increase in sales volume for fruit and vegetable juices. Individual packaging for non– food products is also likely to become increasingly sought after in Uruguay in the future. However, the volume of trade in this is very small. [Source: (unless otherwise indicated) Euromonitor Inter- national] 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 100 80 60 40 20 0 Annual Growth Rate in Percent Fruit/Vegetable Juice Sports and Energy Drinks Diagram 3: Juices and energy drinks are fast growing products