Insider 12 / 2013

MATERIAL / RECYCLING 19 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 Summing up he drew the follow- ing conclusions:  in 2013 PET world overcapacity will grow up to 6 million t (32% of world demand)  China is creating a world overca- pacity crisis and sending material to the rest of the world (currently 1,500,000t/a of export)  EU PET prices will fall into line with world prices  a new wave of rationalisations will take place in Europe  a lower oil price will push down PET prices generating extra demand for virgin PET which will partially mitigate the overcapacity  will bio-PET and RPET be able to compete against lower PET prices? Towards a sustainable PET bottle Klaus Stadler, Director Environ- ment& Water Resources of The Coca Cola Company, Germany, started from the fact that PET Bot- tles represent 2/3 of the Coca Cola CHOOSE THE NUMBER ONE. Watch the INTAREMA ® movie on INTAREMA ® THE NEW DIMENSION OF PLASTIC RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY. containers. However, there are some potential risks emerging from con- sumers’ perception, connected with environmental concerns and therefore it is necessary to improve the image of PET. There are two aspects to be considered:  the bottom line value: packaging is a key cost component of the Coca Cola products (30% of the total)  the ecosystem value: packaging represents Coca Cola largest CO 2 footprint source. Stadler said that the response of Coca Cola is the PET PlantBottle Packaging Technology, jointly devel- oped with qualified partners JBF and Heinz), in order to manufacture func- tional, recyclable, and renewable Bio- PET bottles. The practical execution of the project provides for 100% of the PET resins used by Coca Cola by 2020 to be based on PlantBottle PET 1.0. At the same time it is foreseen in 2016 that the second generation PlantBottle PET 2.0 will be introduced. This further development is being con- ducted through joint research agree- ments with Virent, Gevo, and Avan- tium, and technological partnerships with Nike, P&G, Ford, and Heinz. Innovation today and tomorrow in preform/bottle technology Enrico Gribaudo, Director of Sipa SpA presented the XForm, XMould, and XTreme, Sipa’s latest developments in preform design and technology. These were described in detail in recent PETplanet insider issues. A presentation on “APET sheet European market, a producer’s per- spective” was delivered by Paolo Cescutti, Director of AMB, Italy, described his company and its prod- uct range: sheet (APET based) for thermoforming, food and non-food applications, and film (PE based) for extrusion and adhesive lamination.