Insider 12 / 2013
CAPPING / CLOSURES 33 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 USP in their own words Single toggle driven by dynamic electric drives for closing move- ments. The recovery of kinetic energy in the closing movement plays a major part in energy opti- misation. hydraulic injection movement with servo-electric metering drive. servomotor drives a dual pump system connected with an accumu- lator providing hydraulic energy for all the hydromechanical functions. Continuous speed regulation helps optimising the efficiency. Looking ahead Marcel Christen: “In the future, too, we shall be looking to bring to bear the skills and the fund of expe- rience that are the hallmarks of our company. We have been in the market place for a long time and there is no doubt that we play a leading role in the packaging sector. The topics that are important to our customers, such as performance and requirements in terms of energy- and material savings, represent a challenge as far as we are concerned and will continue to do so in the future. Furthermore we are permanently working on cost optimi- sation“. Sumitomo Demag We met: Christian Renners, Chief Sales Officer; Andreas Schramm, Chief Technical Officer; Frank Schuster, General Manager Sales In essence, there are two reasons why Sumitomo Demag – known as Mannesmann Demag Ergotech until a few years ago – are today making their presence felt in the caps & clo- sures market. These are according to insiders: the development of a series of injection moulding machines (El- Exis SP) with high performance capa- bility and the sustained support of the new owner, the Japanese parent company, Sumitomo Heavy Industries. Christian Renners’ quote: “It is no longer just the injection moulding machine but what we do with it, i.e. the application techno- logy makes up a significant propor- tion of our project activities today. In agreement and in collaboration with Sumitomo we have developed the hybrid series El-Exis SP for packag- ing – including caps & closures. The machines are fast, capable of fast production and reproduction, and are also energy efficient”. L to R: Andreas Schramm, CSO, Christian Renners, CTO, Frank Schuster, General Manager Sales, Sumitomo Demag