Insider 12 / 2013
PET bottles 40 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 Beverages & Liquid Food The plastic closure company committed to your success BERI CAP Technology Research and Development Mould Technology | Global Presence Capping Technology and Know-How Innovation and Flexibility Oblong for orange juice Deploying the tagline “Anna’s Best“, Migros of Switzerland are marketing 750ml of orange juice with a 100% fruit propor- tion in a slim PET bottle featuring a basic oblong shape. The transparent bottle has all-round stabilisation grooves, a screw cap with a tamper-evident guarantee strip and a wrap around plastic label. The cap is printed with two expiry dates, one being the date by which the product is to be sold and the other the one by which the product needs to be used. Lemon soda with fruit bits The Italian company DCM S.p.A. has packed its lemon soda drink with fruit bits in a waisted bottle made from PET. The slightly green-tinted 1.5l bottle incorporates grooves running in a type of helical formation in the holding area, making for a better grip and improved stability. The bottle is also closed by means of a tamper-proof screw cap. A plastic label is used to convey the retail information and this also indicates the exclusive use of Ital- ian lemons. Sports drink with sleeve label The German company All Stars Fitness Products GmbH is packaging its nourishing ready-to-drink bev- erages specifically for sportsmen and -women before, during and after training or competition, in handy PET bottles. “Isowhey Pure“, boasting 30g of muscle-build- ing protein, is packaged in a bottle with a content of 500 ml, while ”Liporush“ – an energy drink with a high proportion of caffeine – is packaged in a 250ml bottle. What the two bottles with their eye-catching sleeves have in common is the fact that the label is drawn over the screw top to form a tamper-evident guarantee strip. For easier opening the label is fitted with perfo- rations in this area. Apple-limette As part of its “Asia Weeks“ promotion, German discounter store Lidl regularly creates an appropriate product range. For its drinks portfolio, Lidl is endeavouring to give its beverages an Asian touch by indulging in a spot of ‘fine-tuning’ where taste is concerned. One example of this is the Apple-Limette drink produced under the brand name of “Vitasia“, which has been refined by the addition of a lemon grass aroma. The transparent PET bottle with its one litre content features a shapely design, is decorated with a wrap around label and closed by means of a screw closure with a tamper strip.