MARKET SURVEY 30 PETplanet insider Vol. 15 No. 03/14 3/2014 MARKET survey Company name Krones Starlinger Tecnofer Ecoimpianti Erema Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen Gneuss Kunststofftechnik Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Böhmerwaldstraße 5 93073 Neutraubling, Germany +49 9401 70-0 Peter Hartel Sales Dept. PET-Recycling +49 9401 70-5448 +49 9401 70-91-5448
[email protected] Sonnenuhrgasse 4 1060 Wien, Austria +43 1 59955-0 Elfriede Hell General Manager recycling technology +43 1 599 55 1300 +43 1 599 55 180
[email protected] Via Calto 409 45030 Ceneselli (Ro) Italy +39 0425 849090 Mauro Garbellini Sales Manager +39 0425 849090
[email protected] Unterfeldstraße 3, 4052 Ansfelden, Austria +43 732 3190-0 Christoph Wöss Vacurema Product Manager +43 732 3190-352 +43 732 3190-23
[email protected] Mönichhusen 42, 32549 Bad Oeynhausen, Germany +49 5731 5307 0 Andrea Kossmann Marketing +49 5731 5307 10 +49 5731 5307 77
[email protected] Bottles to granulate Four models: recoStar PET FG, recoStar PET FG+, recoStar PET iV+, recoStar PET iV+ Superior Input variable: collected pressed bottles, various colours Engineering of washing lines and / or a turn-key project with components and technologies available in the market Yes, in cooperation with long-time partners Engineering of washing lines with long term partners Output: Granulate with approval Yes Yes (decontaminated for food-contact, IV increased, AA < 1ppm, lowest VOC level) Yes Capacity [t/a] 3,500 - 21,000 6,000 - 26,000 Up to 17,000 Floor space [m²] 800 - 2,000 Depending on design Which approvals FDA - LNO, EFSA, various others Several USA / FDA (C-H), EFSA, Austria, Germany BfR, Ilsi, France / AFSSA, Finland, Australia, Bolivia, Canada, Switzerland, Peru (pending); brand owners FDA, ESFA (pending), INTI, brand owners (conf.) Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] 1,0 - 2,5 Depending on design Depending on bottle contami- nation Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Depending on design Depending on input material Flakes to granulate Input variable: Flakes, coloured proportion max 5%, not much chlorine Four models: recoStar PET FG, recoStar PET FG+, recoStar PET iV+, recoStar PET iV+ Superior Basic flakes specifications: Higher contamination can influence pellet quality but are basically possible to process, after discussion and agreed by Erema Output: Granulate with Approval Yes Yes (decontaminated for food-contact, IV increased, AA < 1ppm, lowest VOC level) FDA, efsa (postive opinion issued), ANVISA, ilsi, BGBI, brand owners FDA, ESFA (pending), brand owners (conf.) Capacity[ t/a] 3,500 - 21,000 1,500 - 26,000 (5 extruder sizes) up to 32,000 200 -17,000 Floor space [m²] 800 - 2,000 130 - 540 Depending on through-put and technol- ogy: 8-200 30 - 80, depending on size Which approvals FDA - LNO, EFSA, various others Several USA / FDA (C-H), EFSA, Austria, Germany BfR, Ilsi, France / AFSSA, Finland, Australia, Bolivia, Canada, Switzerland, Peru (pending); brand owners FDA [cat. A-H&J]; efsa (pending); brand owners (conf.); several national approvals (Austria, CH, Zona Mercursur, etc.) FDA, ESFA (pending), INTI, brand owners (conf.) Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] 1,0 - 2,5 approx. 0,15 Depending on application and technology type but we have a closed loop system No fresh water needed Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] approx. 410 (depending on design) 250 - 350 < 350 Bottles to flakes Input variable: collected pressed bottles, various colours Yes (decontaminated for food-contact, IV increased, AA < 1ppm, lowest VOC level) Yes, in cooperation with long-time partners Output: Flakes with/without approval with/without approval FDA [cat. A-H&J]; efsa (pending); with Multi Purpose Reactor (MPR) Capacity [t/a] 3,500 - 21,000 3,700 - 10,500 (5 sizes) 3,000 - 25,000 up to 15,000 Floor space [m²] 800 - 2,000 m² approx. 150 500-1500 between 20-40 Which approvals FDA - LNO, EFSA, various others FDA (hot-fill), follows EFSA requirements not applicable FDA, efsa (postive opinion issued) Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] 1,0 - 2,5 1,5-3 Closed loop system Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] k.A. 120 - 250 (incl. bottle washing to SSP) 280-320 100 Miscellaneous Engineering of washing lines and / or a turn-key project with components and technologies available in the market Company also offers systems for Super- PET process from bale to preform Bottle-to-non-wovens systems Bottle-to-film Yes Yes Yes Bottle-to-fibre Yes Yes Yes Bottle-to-strapping Yes Yes Yes