Insider 03 / 2014

CAPPING / CLOSURES 37 PET planet insider Vol. 15 No. 03/14 and energy efficient running all drives are direct fully electric. All moulds are welcome on BMB machine, subject to mould makers being validated by our engineers. Here at K 2013 we are working together with Corvaglia.” Exhibit at K 2013  eKW 450 – 5500, fully electric, 350t clamping force, 96 cavities  Standard beverage closure 1810 for CSD, 2.1g, cycle time approx. 4.0s  Power requirement: not specified  Mould: Corvaglia  Hot runner: Moldmaster  Quality control: IMD Vista USP in their own words  All drives fully electric using SKF roller bearing technology. Roller screw working in oil bath. Patented 5-point external toggle clamp.  Outwards moving mechanical link- age system to enable clamp force uniformly distributed over mould surface. Recycling line recoSTAR PET iV+ 6WDUOLQJHU +HDG 2IßFH Sonnenuhrgasse 4, A 1060 Vienna 7 ) UHF\FOLQJ#VWDUOLQJHU FRP ZZZ UHF\FOLQJ VWDUOLQJHU FRP $ PHPEHU RI 6WDUOLQJHU *URXS Visit us at: Petfood Forum Schaumburg 2014, 0DUFK Á $SULO Chinaplas 2014, $SULO Á : % % Interpack 2014, 0D\ Á & 7KURXJK XSF\FOLQJ 3(7 ZDVWH EHFRPHV D YDOXDEOH VHFRQGDU\ UHVRXUFH substituting virgin resin at up to 100% LQ ERWWOH WR ERWWOH DSSOLFDWLRQV Offices in: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa, USA, Uzbekistan, and agents in over 130 countries worldwide textile packaging consumer bags  BMB clamping eliminates platens deflection, ensures perfect paral- lelism and enables long opening stroke. Control of clamp ensures that clamping pressure is released prior to expiration of cooling phase, mould faces stay together for a fraction of seconds before opening – with the consequence of shorter cycles. Looking ahead Stewart Leng reflects on perspec- tives for the future: “The benchmark for us is the central European specialists with their hybrid machines, the Netstals, as well as the Huskys. BMB injec- tion moulding machines are, despite expensive technology, are the only ones to consistently feature all-electric drives – with the same power density and performance as the market lead- ers. At the present time, as far as we are concerned, we see no weakness and no instances suggesting room for technical improvements“. Foboha We met: Hansjörg Keusgen, Head Sales & Marketing, Executive Management