Insider 04 / 2014
EDITOUR REPORT 18 PET planet insider Vol. 15 No. 04/14
[email protected] P.E.T. Engineering: the one-stop shop for beverage packaging. Technology excellence, captivating design, ergonomic shapes: a product developed by P.E.T. Engineering is easily recognizable. Its technical know-how and experience have made of it a leader brand in the sector of PET containers. Design, prototyping, laboratory tests and the production of blow moulds: P.E.T. Engineering is the perfect partner, holding itself all the possible solutions. PACKAGING. EVERYTHING YOU NEED DESIGN The perfect shape for an easy handling. PROTOTYPING Bottles available just a few hours DIWHU WKH ȴQDO GHVLJQ RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT New materials, innovative solutions and cutting edge technologies. PRODUCTION AND CUSTOMISING OF THE MOULDS High quality blow moulds for every kind of container and any type of blowing machine. STARTUPASSISTANCE AND TRAINING Supporting the client during the whole project. pure mineral water in PET bottles, carbonated and non-carbonated, bottle sizes ranging from 310ml up to 6l In OPP water dispensers, non-carbonated, container sizes 10 and 20l In OPP tubs, non-carbonated, tub sizes 200 and 305ml. Lindoya fruta fruit juices In PET bottles, non-carbonated, bottle size 400ml and 1l. Acquafibra and vitamin drinks In PET bottles, non-carbonated, bottle size 400ml and 1l The total filling capacity of the bottling lines is 100,000l/h. Andre Arlotti Gião, Head of Marketing, empha- sises the important principle that all drinks are based on pure mineral water. Acquafibra Acquafibra has been bottled for six years and adheres strictly to the company’s guiding principle. Behind this name there is a prebiotic fibre which is mixed with the mineral water and then completely dissolved. There are also wonderful fla- vours added. The fiber is the energy source for the lactobacil- lus in the intestine mucus. A healthy mucus is responsible for a healthy digestion. Anyone, including children, need to consume pre-biotic fibre on a daily basis along with intestine hydration. In average, the human body needs 25g of pre-biotic fibre per day and lots of hydration, and the drink is able to provide both, 6g of pre-biotic in every bottle with adequate mucus hydration. The bottling process is carried out using 400ml PET bottles. The design of the bottle, developed by the company itself, is cylindrical and thus permits a label to be applied which covers the whole height of the bottle and which also acts as a defining feature, making it readily recognisable. Four flavours are avail- able; these are created by the addition of aromatic flavouring. Liquid nitrogen is also used during the bottling process to pro- vide additional stability for the bottle and to avoid oxidation. According to Andre Arlotti Gião, lightweighting is not of concern as far as this bottle is concerned. A PET bottle which is on the heavy side but still very stable helps to underpin the company’s claim to quality. This also applies to the plastic clo- sure. However, Genuina uses all 100% recyclable materials. Today the breakdown for beverages production is 50% mineral water with decreasing share, 30% fruit juices and 20%Acquafi- bra and other healthy beverages, the growing share and the company focus. A breakdown of the bottle sizes reveals an even distribu- tion. The delivery radius is 500km, servicing a market of 90 million people. Blow moulding of bottles and filling operations Genuina Lindoya purchases preforms on a regional basis from various preform manufacturers. The plastic closures are bought in from two suppliers. The in-house production of closures and preforms is not an issue here. The manufacture of the PET bottles is carried out on four Sidel stretch blow moulding machines. A total of eight bot-