Insider 04 / 2014

PRODUCTS 53 PET planet insider Vol. 15 No. 04/14 Taste of Brazil With the Olympic Games in 2016 and the Fifa World Cup in 2018, Brazil is likely to be a regular feature in the world’s sporting and news headlines. Döhler, the specialist producer, marketer and supplier of technology-based natural ingre- dients and systems, has launched a new range of natural flavours, juice blends and customised compounds that it is calling “Taste of Brazil”. The portfolio extends from camu camu, caja and cupuaçu to lime and guaraná and açaí. The company says that such a wide variety of exotic flavours will enable the beverage and food industry to develop interest- ing positionings for seasonal and special edition products. The new range sits alongside and extends Döhler’s existing product ideas for carbonated soft drinks, liqueurs, desserts, and malt and milk mix beverages. Low capacity shrink packing KHS’ new Innopack Kisters Primus SP shrink wrap- per, which operates at up to 35 cycles/min, is aimed at low capacity users in the beverage, food and non-food industries. The newly-launched version now includes a number of features from the high perfor- mance range. The company claims that it offers improved ease of operation, sustainability in operation, and that the cube design, with more space within the machine, facilitates better access to individual compo- nents. Sliding doors with poly- carbonate panes allow viewing of the inner workings of the shrink packer, even during pro- duction. The new construction has an open, hygienic design. The Innopack Kisters Primus SP now has a Siemens S7 con- troller and a total of four drives: the main drive, tunnel drive, film reel drive and feed conveyor drive. Identical servomotors are used for all function units. The switch cabinet has been moved from under the shrink tunnel to a position alongside the machine. KHS says that this both improves accessibility and deals with heating and ventila- tion problems previously experi- enced, especially in warmer climates. The company says that the machine can deal with a variety of shapes and sizes of containers and that both products and film are conveyed very gently. The shrink tunnel area uses variable hot air nozzle equipment and can be fitted with an optional energy- saving package. The complete machine measures 9.7m by 1.95m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ĜV DELOLWLHV VXFK DV 6SHFLDO &DPHUD 6SHFLDO /HQVHV 0LUURU 6\VWHP DQG HWF 2'6 24'(14/ 5#/2.+0) +052'%6+10 (QT UVCVKUVKE RTQEGUU EQPVTQN 52% 6GN (CZ &CGLKTQ 5WLK IW ;QPIKP UK )[GQPIIK FQ -QTGC G OCKN RPUVGEJ"RPUVGEJ EQ MT 6QR 5GCNKPI 5WTHCEG 6QR 5GCNKPI 5WTHCEG $QVVQO 0GEM UETGY 6JTGCF /QNF 0WODGT 4GCFKPI 0GEM 5ETGY 6JTGCF 2TGHQTO UKFGYCNN (GCVWTG ė6WDWLVWLF SURFHVV FRQWURO VSF ė8L IRU UHDO WLPH GDWD PRQLWRULQJ ė%XLOGLQJ GDWD EDVHG RQ PROG QR 5HDGLQJ ė6HOHFW GDWD E\ LQVSHFWLRQ GDWH DQG WLPH ė6HQVH TXDOLW\ LVVXHV DODUP E\ DQDO\]LQJ GDWD ė'DWD PDQDJLQJ VDYH LQ H[FHO RU SULQW RXW ė*HQHUDWH REMHFWLYH GDWD WKURXJK XQLIRUPHG GDWD ė)XOO DXWRPDWLF LQVSHFWLRQ ė0DQDJLQJ VWDWLF GDWD LQ GHWDLO PROG QR LQVSHFWLRQ DUH