Insider 05 / 2014

EDITOUR REPORT 15 large brand owner has started a migration process from two- to 1-piece HDPE closures. Due to its inherent higher precision, weight reduction is possible, addressing current sustainability trends. Furthermore, HDPE can be pro- duced from ethanol, not yet economically possible with PP. “Green” HDPE is a potential additional driver in the future, to completely rid the market of PP, 2-piece closures. Beri- cap do Brasil basically only converts PE, no PP is currently being consumed. And last but not least, 1-piece HDPE closures do perform well on filling lines. Those bottlers that have already been fortunate enough to convert, do not want to be reminded about the past. Line performance has drastically improved since using Bericap 1-piece closures, all of them recognise this as a fact!” The 1-piece HDPE closure Right from the start, Bericap do Brasil, as soon as it was incorporated and producing its first closures, followed what the group was doing already in other countries and introduced injection moulded 1-piece plastic closures. Aurel Fogaci again: “Our com- petitive edge in terms of know-how enables us to service the market more professionally. Injection is in Bericap’s DNA. 1-piece beverage closures is what Bericap has been suc- cessfully doing for almost 20 years now”. The first 96-cavity injection moulding system for 1-piece closures is currently being commis- sioned. Up to now the injection moulding systems used by Bericap do Brasil have been a maximum 72 cavity. The fastest screw cap system is a 72-cavity Evos injection moulding machine from Netstal. The closure weighs 1.7g, is targeted for still water for PCO 1881 finish, the material is HDPE and the cycle time is below 3s. The current installed 1-piece beverage closure capacity surpasses 1 billion yearly closures, of which 40% are used for mineral water. The edible oil market is undergoing further growth. The Editourmobil standing in front of the factory in Sorocaba SP PET planet insider Vol. 15 PROVEN COST SAVINGS PERFORMANCE Mold-Mastersand theMold-Masters logoare trademarksofMold-Masters (2007) Limited. ©2014Mold-Masters (2007) Limited -AMilacronCompany.All rights reserved. Rely on our global support network for fast service and parts. North America 1-800-387-2483 | Europe 49 (0) 7221 5099-0 Asia 86 512 86162882 ALWAYS INNOVATING. + More efficient use of platen real estate increases the cavitation for a given machine size: s 72 vs. 48 Cavity with a 28mm finish in a 225T s 72 vs. 48 Cavity with a 38mm finish in a 300T s 96 vs. 72 Cavity with a 28mm finish in a 300T s 128 vs. 96 Cavity with a 28mm finish in a 400T + Proprietary iFLOW and iCOOL technology reduces cycle times while improving balance, lowering injection pressure and increasing dimensional repeatability + Tooling solutions to revitalize, recapitalize and rev up existing systems Get 50% more output from the same machine 96-CAVITY MICRO PITCH MOLD FOR 300T MACHINES Contact us today at: [email protected]