Insider 06+07 / 2014

MATERIAL / RECYCLING 21 PET planet insider Vol. 15 PROVEN COST SAVINGS PERFORMANCE Mold-Mastersand theMold-Masters logo are trademarksofMold-Masters (2007) Limited. © 2014Mold-Masters (2007) Limited -AMilacronCompany.All rights reserved. Rely on our global support network for fast service and parts. North America 1-800-387-2483 | Europe 49 (0) 7221 5099-0 Asia 86 512 86162882 ALWAYS INNOVATING. + More efficient use of platen real estate increases the cavitation for a given machine size: s 72 vs. 48 Cavity with a 28mm finish in a 225T s 72 vs. 48 Cavity with a 38mm finish in a 300T s 96 vs. 72 Cavity with a 28mm finish in a 300T s 128 vs. 96 Cavity with a 28mm finish in a 400T + Proprietary iFLOW and iCOOL technology reduces cycle times while improving balance, lowering injection pressure and increasing dimensional repeatability + Tooling solutions to revitalize, recapitalize and rev up existing systems Get 50% more output from the same machine 96-CAVITY MICRO PITCH MOLD FOR 300T MACHINES Contact us today at: with 320,000 population equivalents, cleans the Stute plants’ entire effluent. The associated biogas facility sup- plies 13% of the firm’s gas require- ments. The biogas obtained is used as an energy source in a gas turbine for generating the firm’s steam. Even the turbine’s exhaust gas is utilised for steam generation, thus enabling an overall efficiency of 90% to be achieved. On the roofs of the factory halls, Stute has installed 11,000m² of photo- voltaic cells, and another 50,000m² in a field directly next to the plant. The rated total output of the photo- voltaic systems is cur- rently running at 5.8MW. Three wind turbines are rotating on the site, and a fourth wind power instal- lation is being planned. In-house power genera- tion using solar and wind power is meanwhile con- tributing more than 20% of the firm’s total power requirement. “The aim is to increase the self- generated proportion of the firm’s energy supply to 50% over the next few years”, says Christoph Frankrone. “We’re already touching 50%, in fact, on good days for wind and sunshine, meaning the peak times. For biogas production, we use only our own waste products, the sludge from the anaer- obic sewage treatment plant or apple pomace from our presses. We are totally against plant- ing or buying agricultural raw materials in order to convert them into electric- ity”, emphasises Christoph Frankrone. In the plant itself, too, Stute has signed up to sustainability in both thought and deed. “By installing two Krones bot- tling lines with Contipure modules and without a rinser in 2009, we save 240m³ of water a day in the beverage bottling oper- ations”, explains Christoph Frankrone. By reducing the amount of packaging and optimising the pallets, moreover, Stute has saved 40% of its freight transport space. In the vehicle fleet, the family firm has reduced the emissions of nitrogen oxide by 90%, having installed energy-economical engines featuring the very latest tech- nology. In the refrigeration systems, Stute uses ammonia instead of green- house gases as the refrigerant, and additionally achieves annual electricity savings of 30%. The recycling system is currently dimensioned for producing 3,500t/a of food-grade PET flakes. Given a bottle weight of 20g, this corresponds to 175 million PET containers roughly equal to the complete output of two bottling lines. “PET recycling is a win-win situ- ation for the retail sector and for us. The retailers provide high-quality PET material for recycling as high-quality food and beverage packaging, and avoid downgrading it, e.g. for textile production in China. Which means our