Insider 06+07 / 2014

MATERIAL / RECYCLING 29 PET planet insider Vol. 15 No. 06+07/14 Recycling line recoSTAR PET iV+ 6WDUOLQJHU +HDG 2IßFH Sonnenuhrgasse 4, A 1060 Vienna 7 ) UHF\FOLQJ#VWDUOLQJHU FRP ZZZ UHF\FOLQJ VWDUOLQJHU FRP $ PHPEHU RI 6WDUOLQJHU *URXS Visit us at: Equiplast 2014, 6HSWHPEHU Á 2FWREHU Fakuma 2014, 2FWREHU Á 7KURXJK XSF\FOLQJ 3(7 ZDVWH EHFRPHV D YDOXDEOH VHFRQGDU\ UHVRXUFH substituting virgin resin at up to 100% LQ ERWWOH WR ERWWOH DSSOLFDWLRQV Offices in: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa, USA, Uzbekistan, and agents in over 130 countries worldwide textile packaging consumer bags ing effect, reduces upcoming fines, and prevents overheating. The granu- lator configured in wet grinding mode constitutes the plant’s core and is based on a patented procedure ensur- ing that the bottles are forced-fed into the cutting chamber of the granulator. The neat cut, without splaying and folding of the bottle chips with neatly cut edges, is the characteristic feature of this wet grinding technique. In a first separation step, the plas- tics are separated into a light/ swim fraction (polyolefines, as used e.g. for bottle caps) and a heavy fraction which sinks: PET. During a further hot wash step, glues used for fixing the labels are separated with the help of additives. After drying, the mate- rial undergoes an air separation in order to withdraw suspended particles (removed labels and dust). Thanks to its compact construction, the low energy consumption and the high quality of the final product, the plant is particularly efficient. The final product is filled into big bags or transported with a silo truck. The PET flakes are currently being subjected to further recycling by PET foil manufacturers in central Europe. According to PFR Nord GmbH, the new plant in Hohenwestedt will be processing around 100t PET/day. This corresponds to around 5.2 mil- lion drinking bottles every day.