Insider 06+07 / 2014

BOTTLING / FILLING 45 PET planet insider Vol. 15 Packages The 3.25l packages or the 5l and 10l packages are then conveyed by Smiline belts to the inlet of the Smipal APS 3080 PR automatic palletising system, which gathers them on 800x1,200mm and 1000x1,200mm Euro-pallets. The palletiser installed by Pinar Su is a sin- gle-column system with two Cartesian axes with movements from the bottom. End-of-line operations are completed by a loop winder with a semi-airtight cycle that applies a special “dustproof” protection when the pallet is wrapped. Custom labels and handles Pinar Su has chosen to label its mineral water bottles produced at the Hendek facility with reel-fed labels applied through hot glue by a machine manu- factured by PE Labellers. The labelling station is equipped with a servomo- tor, making it mechanically independent of the bottle carousel. This solution allows the automatic phas- ing of the machine with the label-application station, avoiding operator errors during format changeover. All operations are con- trolled by a PLC, which processes the work param- eters set by the operator through a control panel or a touch-screen. Pinar Su has also decided to equip the 5 and 10l PET contain- ers with a specific plastic handle applied by a specific machine installed down- stream of the PE rotary labeller. Thus, the 3.25l bottles transit “idle” through the labeller but are then “fitted with a handle” by an automatic Smipack HA 60 model handle applicator, installed downstream of the Smiflexi SK 600 F shrink- wrapper that wraps them with shrink film in 2x1 and 3x1 collations. Pinar Su (Yasar Group) Pinar Su is part of the Yasar Group, one of the largest industrial com- panies in Turkey. Founded in 1945, the Yasar Group today consists of 20 companies, directly employs around 6,750 people and has leading brands in the food & beverage sector, such as Pinar, and in the coatings sector, such as Dyo. This group also works in the paper production, trade, tourism and services sectors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ĜV DELOLWLHV VXFK DV 6SHFLDO &DPHUD 6SHFLDO /HQVHV 0LUURU 6\VWHP DQG HWF 2'6 24'(14/ 5#/2.+0) +052'%6+10 (QT UVCVKUVKE RTQEGUU EQPVTQN 52% 6GN (CZ &CGLKTQ 5WLK IW ;QPIKP UK )[GQPIIK FQ -QTGC G OCKN RPUVGEJ"RPUVGEJ EQ MT 6QR 5GCNKPI 5WTHCEG 6QR 5GCNKPI 5WTHCEG $QVVQO 0GEM UETGY 6JTGCF /QNF 0WODGT 4GCFKPI 0GEM 5ETGY 6JTGCF 2TGHQTO UKFGYCNN (GCVWTG ė6WDWLVWLF SURFHVV FRQWURO VSF ė8L IRU UHDO WLPH GDWD PRQLWRULQJ ė%XLOGLQJ GDWD EDVHG RQ PROG QR 5HDGLQJ ė6HOHFW GDWD E\ LQVSHFWLRQ GDWH DQG WLPH ė6HQVH TXDOLW\ LVVXHV DODUP E\ DQDO\]LQJ GDWD ė'DWD PDQDJLQJ VDYH LQ H[FHO RU SULQW RXW ė*HQHUDWH REMHFWLYH GDWD WKURXJK XQLIRUPHG GDWD ė)XOO DXWRPDWLF LQVSHFWLRQ ė0DQDJLQJ VWDWLF GDWD LQ GHWDLO PROG QR LQVSHFWLRQ DUH