Insider 09 / 2014
EDITOUR REPORT 15 PET planet insider Vol. 15 No. 09/14 Welcome to visit TECH-LONG CHINA BREW CHINA BEVERAGE 2014 No. 23 Yunpu 1 Road, Luogang District, Guangzhou, 510530, China Tel: +86 20 62956800 Fax: +86 20 82266913 E-mail:
[email protected] TECH-LONG PACKAGING MACHINERY CO., LTD. BEVERAGES HOUSEHOLDS CONDIMENTS DAIRY BEER Booth: E2C67 Date: 2014 10.13-16 Add: New China International Exhibition Center, Beijing,China Own brands for export by Waldemar Schmitke In Italy’s stagnating water market, all the bot- tlers want to find and then a particular seg- ment of the Tavina in Salo, situated on beautiful Lake Garda, has found its own particular niche in export. Almost 40% of the total 190 million litres of water it bottles are sold abroad. Inter- estingly, it is not their own local brand that they are exporting. The guys from Salo have developed specific brands for each market . For example, in Japan their water goes by the name of “Fontana“, in Germany ”Sankt Emilia“ or in Australia ”St. Victoria”. In Italy they have three brands: Fonte Tavina, Linda and Allegra. The proportion of returnable glass depends on the particular brand. In the premium restaurant segment for example, they have devel- oped a non-returnable glass bottle marketed under the brand name “Tavina Elegan- tia“. Tavina envisage further potential for growth in the local market. A total of four bottling lines are in operation at Tavina, two glass, two PET. The PET lines bottle 150 mil- lion litres whilst the two glass lines produce a total of 40 million litres. One of the PET lines fills the 1.5l containers, the other line handles all the other sizes. The pivot point is the 0.5l bottle.Tavina goes in for very lightweight bottles; in the case of the 0.5l bottle, it is 11g for still and 13.5g for carbonated water. The 1.5l bottle weighs 25g for still and 27g for carbonated water.