Insider 11 / 2014
EDITOUR REPORT 20 PET planet insider Vol. 15 No. 11/14 EDITOUR REPORT 20 mmm$he[Z[hi$Z[ Y O U R PA R T N E R F O R B L OW MO U L D S . STEPS TO THE PERFECT BOTTLE. >YZV 9Zh^\c IZX]cdad\n BVcj[VXijg^c\ 8bem CekbZ &%% HZgk^XZ Meet us at Brau Beviale in Nuremberg – Hall 5 / 5-427 reduce the cooling times in the cavities. In order to do this, however, close contour cooling in the cavities (Cool+) was required, but this entailed considerably higher manufacturing costs (35%) than the traditional approach.” Massimo Gani also talked about the increase in capacity. “Today, how- ever, we achieve high mechanical speeds on our plants by means of improved cavity cooling and in this way have been able to increase line extrusion capacity by between 45 and 50%. The additional costs of the cavities as reflected in the investment costs for the overall plant only amount to 14%.” In the case of 1-piece closures, it is HDPE that is used in processing applications because PP is too viscous for the thin walls in the closure. “The fact that the proportion of compression moulding is very high in the case of CSD closures is no coincidence,” Massimo Gani continues. In order to avoid stress cracking they use materials with a low melt flow index or / and increase the process temperatures. By contrast, the compression process permits operation at a lower melt index compared to injec- tion moulding at cooling temperatures of 20°C and thus not only has a positive impact on stress cracking but also on energy consumption. The biggest market for CCM plants is China with 35%, followed by South America, Mexico, India, Africa and the Far East. To date, five CCM 80 lines have been installed on the premises of a large bottling enterprise in Germany. Massimo Gani looks to the future with con- fidence. “One important point as far as we are concerned is the preform systems. We are strongly represented among the ranks of the converters, but when it comes to bottlers who had made the decision in favour of vertical integration, we did not have the preform system in the past. This is one aspect in which we have now taken a step forwards”. We extend our thanks for the detailed talks and the opportunity to enrich our knowledge and resume our journey in the direction of Rome.