Insider 11 / 2014
BOTTLING / FILLING 22 PET planet insider Vol. 15 No. 11/14 + 33 (0)2 40 05 09 37 SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE DES TECHNIQUES 3 RUE DE L’ÎLE MACÉ - 44 412 REZÉ - FRANCE www. sgt-pet .com SGT, Naturally Innovative The specialist in PET preforms and HDPE caps for over 30 years. Meet us at EMBALLAGE PACKAGING EXHIBITION Paris Nord Villepinte 17th to 20th of November 2014 HALL 4 / STANDA 014 WWW.SGT-PET.COM stretch blow-moulding machine with six stations and an integrated preform rinser supplies an Isoblock filler with containers. APU has a choice of three concatenated labellers: a Contiroll for applying wrap-around labels, a Sleeve- matic with a shrink tunnel for full-length sleeves, and a cold-glue machine for shoulder and back labels. The new PET line started operation in Q3 2012 and is now running in one to three shifts, filling beer and soft drinks; the proportions vary according to seasonal demand. The older PET line is now used solely for filling table water. Krones also installed a new syrup kitchen, as part of the PET project. It is made up of sugar-dissolving station, powder-dissolving, and mixing sta- tions, and supplemented by a Conti- flow mixer. Sugar-dissolving is under- taken in batches of up to 2,000l in two vessels, a sugar tank and a heat exchanger with a syrup cooling capac- ity of of 8,000l/h. The filter system comprises four strainers and two bag filters. The powder-dissolving sta- tion consists of a concentrate station and a tank with a screw-type agitator. The mixing station has three tanks, each holding 15,000l. The carbona- tion unit’s throughput is 10,000l/h; the flash pasteuriser’s speed that can be varied between 5,500 and 13,750l/h and can handle beer, juice and car- bonated beverages, using plate heat exchangers. The syrup kitchen pos- sesses its own CIP system with three tanks and two separate admission units. The third APU/Krones project was the construction of Mongolia’s very first high-bay warehouse in Mongolia. The country has vast areas of open, sparsely-inhabited landscape, extend- ing 2,400km west to east across two time zones and over 1,200 km north to south. APU supplies its beverages to more than 7,000 sales outlets, about 60% directly from headquarters; the balance is served by wholesalers. The furthest distribution depot, a small town called Ölgii, is around 1,700km west of Ulanbaatar. APU’s purpose-built high-bay ware- house project managed by Krones, has three serving aisles currently in opera- tion and has space for a fourth.