Insider 11 / 2014

TRADESHOW REVIEW 32 PET planet insid er Vol. 15 No. 11/14 IMAGINE FILLING MULTIPLE PRODUCTS ON THE SAME LINE… NOW YOU CAN! Water, juice and soft drinks, all on a single machine? The Flextronic modular platform adapts effortlessly to still or sparkling, clear or pulpy and hot or cold-fill, and easily switches from one bottle neck-size to the other. A revolutionary filling technology that gives you extreme operational flexibility with minimal product loss and downtime at flavor switch. Clean, safe and versatile. Welcome to the new generation of fillers. carbonated still hot-fill cold-fill pulp non-pulp water juice soft drink SIPA S.p.A. - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy Tel. +39 0438 911511 - Fax +39 0438 912273 - e-mail: [email protected] Miguel Angel Arto, Business Develop- ment Director Novapet Novapet DCU – “monolayer light bottles, full light barrier, light weight- ing” - is one of the numerous innova- tive formats devised by the company and its partners, developed and manufactured for special niche appli- cations. DCU is growing and acquir- ing ever greater significance in the Novapet portfolio and is the result of a successful strategy pursued consist- ently and with perseverance. Miguel Arto: “Even in difficult times it is possible to identify opportunities that will help the company and its cus- tomers to move forward. For Novapet, this particular opportunity goes by the name of DCU.” With this vibrant recommendation of DCU to the assembled milk produc- ers, Miguel Arto brought his speech and also the conference to a conclu- sion. The subsequent concluding discussion between the experts will doubtless be continued at the next, the 5th Chips & Grapes, conference in 2016.