Insider 11 / 2014

MARKET SURVEY 33 PETplanet insider Vol. 15 No. 11/14 Caps and closures Bottle-to-bottle recycling plants Preforms Preform and single stage machinery Preform / stretch blow moulds Two-stage SBM machinery Compressors Resins / additives  Filling equipment Closure systems Suppliers of filling equipment: Traditionally we mark the occasion of the Brau Beviale exhibition with the publication of our market overview of filling equipment suppliers. This year nine companies from different countries will be taking part. They are: Fogg Filler (USA), SMI S.p.A. (Italy), Serac (France), Sipa (Italy), GEA Procomac (Italy), Sidel (Switzerland), Sacmi (Italy), Krones AG (Germany) and KHS Coroplast (Germany). The companies are shown in the table in the order in which their details were received by the editors. Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. 11/2014 MARKET survey Company name Fogg Filler SMI S.p.A. Serac Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail 3455 John F. Donelly Drive Holland, MI 49424, USA +1 616 786 3644 www.foggfiller. com Mr Mike Raczynski Sales Manager +1 616 738 0263 [email protected] Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 San Giovanni Bianco, Italy +39 0345 40111 Mr Pietro Volpi Marketing Dept. Manager +39 0345 40316 +39 0345 40209 [email protected] 12 route de Mamers - BP 46 72400 La Ferte Bernard / France +33 2 43 60 28 28 Mr Roland Nicolas Dairy & Aseptic Business Development Director +33 2 43 60 28 32 +33 2 43 60 28 37 [email protected] www.dairy-filling Mr Aymeric Vague Personal Care and Chemicals +33 2 43 60 29 55 +33 2 43 60 28 37 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number Fogg Filler, 4 different sizes Ecobloc, blowing, filling & capping Serac Aseptic System 4 (SAS 4) Serac Aseptic System (SAS PL) Highly Hygienic Filler (H2F) Rotary Weigh Filler (R) 2. Number of filling heads (range: from/to) 12-90 Electronic volumetric fillers (18 - 126) 8 - 90 1 - 2 6-90 4- 90 3. Min to max bottle contents (in liters) 50ml - 10l 0.25 - 10l 4. Filling speed: output (bph) (min to max): 4,800 - 36,000 specifiy: 1l bottle / still water (bph) 60-600 4,800 - 36,000 1l bottle / CSD (bph) 4,800 - 36,000 1l bottle / Milk (bph) 60-630 4,800 - 36,000 up to 48 000 up to 1200 up to 48 000 up to 48 000 1l bottle / Juice (bph) 60-630 4,800 - 36,000 up to 48 000 up to 1200 up to 48 000 up to 48 000 5. Filling process Pressureless (still drinks) gravity fillers yes Electronic net weigh filling Mass flow meter fill Electronic net weigh filling Electronic net weigh filling Pressure filling (carbonated drinks) yes Hot filling gravity fillers Electronic net weigh filling Electronic net weigh filling Electronic net weigh filling Cold aseptic filling Electronic net weigh filling Mass flow meter fill Electronic net weigh filling Electronic net weigh filling Juices with high pulp content gravity fillers Electronic net weigh filling Mass flow meter fill Electronic net weigh filling Electronic net weigh filling 6. Type of filling valve and metering system Tri-Line Valves Electronic volumetric filling valves Flowmeters (metering system) Electronic net weigh filling Multiflow magnetic valves with flow monitoring Magnetic valves and flow meter Electronic net weigh filling Multiflow magnetic valves with flow monitoring Electronic net weigh filling Pneumatic valves