Insider 11 / 2014
TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 49 PET planet insider Vol. 15 No. 11/14 Quality Association PET Beverage Packaging e.V. The aim of the Quality Asso- ciation is to close the loop relat- ing to recyclables in PET as a packaging medium and thus to increase the proportion of PET recyclables in drinks bottles. This will encourage the fur- ther sustained development of PET beverage bottles from an eco-logical viewpoint and make a positive contribution to resource efficiency and to protecting the environment and the climate. In addition, through the deployment of uniform quality specifications, a high level of consumer protection will be ensured. The RAL Quality Association covers the entire supply chain starting with the recycling of used PET drinks bottles and culminating in the manufacture and filling of PET drinks bottles. The Guidelines, which apply to all members, are set out in the RAL quality and test regulations. The members of the Qual- ity Association voluntarily agree to submit to the quality and test criteria of RAL Qual- ity and Test Assurance and are thus permitted to use the recognised RAL quality mark. The following are currently eligible for membership of the Quality Association: Recyclers of PET for manu- facturing recyclates which come into contact with foodstuffs (food grade) Preform producers Drinks producers (bottlers/ fillers) for mineral waters and soft drinks Supplementing the group of individuals with an inter- est in these activities and the member base are sustain- ing mem-bers. In terms of their technological produc- tion expertise, the members are leaders at a national and international level. A specialist commit- tee monitors the work of the Quality Commission so as to ensure consistent high quality. Checks on the quality criteria are carried out by a recog- nised test institute. Wertstoff PET Hall 4A | Booth 210