Insider 11 / 2014
PET products 52 PET planet insider Vol. 15 No. 11/14 Blow moulding machines get a complete makeover R&B Plastics Machinery LLC, a leading manufacturer of blow moulding and extrusion machinery and a specialist in machine modernisation, has announced the completion of major rebuild/modernisation projects for two leading U.S. original equipment manufactur- ers (OEMs). The rebuilding of three blow moulding machines for Cardinal Health and Amway are the latest examples which illustrate the advantages of machine modernisation versus the purchase of new capi- tal equipment. For Cardinal Health, a leading manufacturer of medical devices, a used shuttle machine was purchased which was then stripped to the frame. R&B added the latest controls, mechanical and electrical systems, coolant, pneumatics, and hydraulics along with additional functionality and capabilities such as in-machine trimming for medical product manufacturing. The rebuild and upgrade provides the customer with a lower cost operation that yields the same output while utilising the latest technology and equipment available in the market today. For Amway, a leading manufacturer of consumer products, R&B upgraded two existing large wheel blow moulding machines, adding a range of new enhancements including new parison programming, open architecture control systems, and MAX extrusion screws for improved melt quality and increased production and performance. The upgrades enabled Amway to have the latest controls technology with a lower cost in-plant rebuild. The upgraded and refurbished blow moulding machines for Cardinal Health and Amway are currently in operation. Modernising and upgrading to today’s technology is said to provide measurable productivity improvements, faster cycle time, energy savings, improved quality, and greater efficiency and con- sistency, whilst also meeting the latest ANSI safety standards. Cost savings are measured by decreased labour, utility and materials usage. R&B performs rebuilds/modernisation on all makes and models, and pro- vides the same warranty and performance guarantee that comes with new machinery. The company sells extrusion systems and blow moulding machin- ery, as well as performing extensive rebuild/modernisation of all competitive equipment. Customers represent diverse end-use markets including automo- tive, food/beverage, personal care, medical, motor oil/lubricants, household cleaners, detergents, and lawn/agricultural chemicals. Scan & Measure Oxygen Ingress & Transmission Rates Fibox4 Fibox 4 Stand-alone fiber optic oxygen transmitter