Insider 11 / 2014

PRODUCTS 53 PET planet insider Vol. 15 No. 11/14 Inspection system for thin-walled caps & closures To achieve thinner walls of closures, the casting moulds and their channels have become thinner which might make the closure production process fault-prone. A frequently occur- ring error is a shortshot which makes, for instance, the secu- rity belts incomplete or even missing. To avoid this and ensure a high closure quality, the Intravis vision inspection systems such as the CapWatcher III are said to be able to deliver pre- cise measurement data and inform the user constantly about the current status. They also offer a trend statistic that shows the user when the product quality moves towards waste during the production process. The user can subsequently realign the production systems to stay in the rated range. As a result, the vision inspection system avoids waste instead of producing it. KHS establishes NMP Systems GmbH KHS GmbH has established a 100% KHS-owned subsidiary, NMP Systems GmbH, located at the offices of Salzgitter Trading in Düsseldorf, Germany. NMP Systems will bring two innovative technologies to market – Direct Print and Nature MultiPack. As a result of the technolo- gies and materials involved, the business approach of NMP Systems will be to provide Machine and Consuma- bles and Service in cooperation with the KHS global net- work. Direct Print is a technology for the digital printing of PET bottles – without the need for labels. This industrial solution for individually decorated bottles is claimed to ensure new consumer dialogue and marketing leverage for bever- age industry brand owners. The KHS team has been working in co- development with global technology partners to formulate non-migrating digital inks in combination with rotat- ing print heads. Today the Direct Print team is ready for market with a prototype customer installation, to be followed closely by the Direct Print equipment pilot series – bring- ing CMYK process colours + White at 1080 x 1080dpi (dots per inch) optical resolution for untreated PET bottles at production speeds of up to 12,000, 24,000 and 36,000bph. Nature MultiPack is a technology for multipacks – simply bonding containers together with specialised adhesives – creating packaging sustainability and new consumer convenience opportunities with multipacks for beverage industry brand owners. In comparison with printed film multipacks, Nature Mul- tiPack has up to 85% less material, and saves up to 67% on energy for packaging equipment. The KHS team has been work- ing in co-development with three global technology partners to formu- late specialised adhesives, first for PET, next for cans and sometime in the future for glass bottles. The Nature MultiPack technology will collate and bond containers into single and double lane pack config- urations, with the first target applica- tion now installed for a six-pack with 2 x 3 1.5l PET water bottles at a capacity of 42,000 bottles per hour. [email protected] Creating value with powerful solutions BrauBeviale 2014 Nuremberg, 11 – 13 November Stand 7A-514