Insider 01+02 / 2015

EDITOUR REPORT 10 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 01+02/15 The 38mm neck finish is important for us by Waldemar Schmitke Novembal, 38 mm - Bericap, A & F and Hotfill and last but not least a special finish without support ring for San Bene- detto. Our most recent variant is the Hexalite finish for CO 2 drinks.” Giuseppe Silveri went on to discuss the preform market: “Our markets for preforms are the packaging and filling industry for fresh milk, carbonated beverages, drink- ing water, edible oils and juices, and mainly in Italy.” The factory area covers 50,000m 2 , of which 6,000m 2 is dedicated to production and 13,000m 2 warehouse space for preforms (in octabins), as well as loading platforms for trucks. For the raw material supply hoppers are available with a total capacity of 1,200t plus enough space for deliv- eries in bags and a bag storage area. Preform production is carried out in two halls.  4 x Netstal 72-cavity  7 x Netstal 96- cavity (a preform system is being con- verted to 128-cavity)  1 x Netstal 128- cavity  2 x Sipa 72- cavity  1 x Sipa 48/56 - fold  1 x Husky G-Line Plasco S.p.A. Our next stop takes us to Plasco in Anangni. Plasco is specialised in the manufacture of PET preforms and with a capacity of 3,380mill preforms per year, is amongst the market leaders in Italy. Here in Anangni we meet Giuseppe Silveri, Vice Presi- dent, Paolo Vittori, Sales Manager, at Plasco Spa. The his- tory of the family business began in 1995 here in Anangni with the production of PET preforms and bottles. Over the years, Plasco came to focus solely on preform production. The site was chosen centrally (near Rome) for purely logis- tical reasons, because transport costs in Italy are extremely high compared to the rest of Europe. Giuseppe Silveri takes up the story: “We were able to develop very quickly. From 300mill preforms delivered in 2003, we have grown to 2,500mill preforms in 2013. However, the Italian market is very diverse in PET bottle sizes and shapes, weights and neck finish. The consequence for us was that in our portfolio more than 80 preform geometries with more than 12 different neck finishes. The variants range from BPF L and S, PCO - 21, 19, and Corvaglia 1881, Crown Obrisk, Nuremberg Milan Rome Naples Palermo Tunis Al giers Rabat Casablanca Marrakech Seville Madrid Lisbon Bologna Monastir Agadir Tan gier Valencia Cordoba Bilbao Oporto Andorra La Vella Venice Turin Florence Messina Barcelona Zaragoza ITALY Part 5