Insider 01+02 / 2015

BOTTLING / FILLING 29 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 01+02/15 95% market share with Salgam Doganay was founded in 1997. The aim was to fill Salgam, an excep- tionally popular juice made of fer- mented red turnips known then only in the southern part of Turkey, in bottles and make it popular throughout the entire country. Previously, it was common for Salgam to be produced only in house- holds for personal use. We launched a number of sampling campaigns, but during the first few years we were just not able to exceed the annual sales figure of 150,000 liters,” says Rafet Doganay. The bubble burst in 2002. Sales virtually exploded to two mil- lion liters. By 2004, sales had already climbed to 5 million liters, then to 15 million liters in 2008, on to 27 million in 2013, and then hit the 40 million mark in 2014. This rapid success led to more companies ‘jumping on the Salgam bandwagon’. Nevertheless, Doganay continues to hold a 95% share of the market. The company benefits from the excellent product quality and the clear leader status. Numerous other products integrated into the product range With a share of 70% share of total sales, Salgam remains the star product of the company’s variety of products. Today, Doganay also offers lemon sauce, lemon juice, grape, apple, and balsamic vinegar, pome- granate syrup, Limonata, and orange juice. This range of products is not to remain the same however. Plans for next year alone include incorporating the production of iced tea and expand- ing the variety of juices by introduc- ing grape, pomegranate, apple, and mandarin juices. Other new products are planned for the years to come. As for the present products, the company expects considerable sales growth. Five times the current sales figure expected in 2015 for Limonata in GlasPET While Limonata currently ranks second at Doganay with sales of about 15 million liters in 2014, sales figures of at least 80 million liters are expected in 2015 - which would equal five times the current sales figure. Sales of more than 150 million liters are expected in 2015 right from the start for iced tea. For 2015, liter sales in the upper double-digit million range are planned for juices, which accord- ing to Remzi Doganay are made from 100% freshly squeezed juice and can be stored bottled aseptically in GlasPET without refrigeration for nine months thanks to a secret, sophisti- cated production process. 70% of sales in exports by 2020 planned “35% of our sales were already in exports in 2014,” says Rafet Doga- nay. By 2020, we plan to realize 70% of our sales with exports and to act globally.” “In our opinion, the Campet bottle and KHS aseptic lines play a decisive role in this planned success story,” Remzi Doganay adds. Investment in a second production site In order to expand their produc- tion capacity, Doganay just recently invested in a second production site in Adana. In a first step, the two KHS linear aseptic lines, which have been operating to the great satisfaction of Doganay since they were commis- sioned, have been integrated into the newly constructed production facil- ity. The upcoming third KHS system includes innovative KHS aseptic rotary technology. The first two systems share a common packaging area Each of the existing lines is comprised of an InnoPET Plasmax machine, an InnoPET Blomax Series IV stretch blow moulder, and an Innosept Asbofill ABF 711 aseptic linear filling machine. They share the packaging area. The capacity of both lines is 24,000 bottles/hr. 0.25- and 1-liter size containers are currently being processed. Next year, the 0.75- liter version is to be integrated into the container portfolio as well. The still Limonata lemon soda pop is the company’s first product to be aseptically bottled in CAMPET (Turkish for GlasPET). The benefits of this style of container were communicated through TV commercials and are clearly indicated on the neck label. This has already resulted in a large group of GlasPET bottle enthusiasts.