Insider 01+02 / 2015
BOTTLING / FILLING 32 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 01+02/15 is sprayed on the caps, allowed to take effect, and subsequently sub- jected to a drying process. The screw- caps are placed on the bottles by a suction unit. The reason for this is that this method protects the filled prod- uct against external influences when the caps are screwed on in a sepa- rate sterile chamber in the next step. Closures are then subjected to a final optical closure inspection. A gripper system then removes the bottles from the cell support bars and places them on a conveyor, after which they pass through a leak check. Gökhan Doganay explaines “For safety reasons, we test our products filled by the Innosept Asbofill ABF 711 more often than prescribed, and they meet all requirements every time.” Innoket 360 roll-fed and self- adhesive labeling in practise The bottles are labeled by an Innoket 360 which is fed containers from both lines. Each bottle is dressed with two labels. While roll-fed labels decorate the middle of the bottles, self- adhesive labels are applied to the neck area. The purpose of the neck label is to convey the message that the Limo- nata bottle is a container with ‘glass on the inside and PET on the outside’. The roll-fed labeling process in brief: the label web is fed from a roll by a controlled feed mechanism to the labeling station, where it is cut exactly to length according to markings printed on the web. One of the real highlights of the Innoket 360 type labeler is the cut- ting unit with a self-sharpening cutter. The labels are cut to size and then fed to a vacuum drum that glues them to the bottles with hot melt. The slip-free design of the vacuum drum eliminates any label soiling. The gluing roller shell is equipped with induction heating that operates especially energy efficiently. Heat is generated exactly where it is needed, in the roller jacket to be exact, thereby protecting the internal components such as bearings and sensors. Tem- peratures are controlled very accurately with deviations of less than one degree Celsius. By simply turning a crank, the labeling station of the Innoket 360 family of labelers can be swiveled out to make mismatch overlap corrections during the ongoing production process. The ergonomic design of the machine in addition to the easy accessibility in all areas contributes yet again towards great ease of operation. The Innoket 360 applies self-adhe- sive labels following the roll-fed labeling process. Reversing rollers feed the label materials to the peeling edge. A sensor determines the exact timing for dispensing the label. Gökhan Doganay says, “Our Innoket 360 operates highly efficiently and with utmost precision. At the same time, it is designed for exceptional ease of operation and adapts to new situa- tions exceptionally quickly thanks to the integrated automatic height adjust- ment.” Great flexibility is also a hallmark of the Innopack Kisters SP Basic shrink packer.