Insider 03 / 2015
EDITOUR REPORT 12 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 03/15 An example from production: Closure 29/25 Weight 1.4g Elion 4200-2000 Injection moulding mould, 96 cavity Cycle time 1.8sec China Market Finally, we must not neglect to mention a hotly con- tested market – China. Today China probably represents the biggest market for preform and closure cap machines and has the greatest growth potential in this sector, but it is also the market with the highest demands. In order to secure the market it is essential not only to demonstrate a local presence but also competence. In addition to machine technology, specialist support and the supply of tools are of very great importance. “With the plant in Haiyan, part of the KraussMaffei Group in China,” Markus Dal Pian is quick to point out, “we have cre- ated the preconditions necessary for this. We have not only been able to settle specialist personnel there but are also able to demonstrate the performance of a Netstal PET-Line to our customers and offer local training courses.” I extend my thanks for the interview and wish Markus Dal Pian and his team continued success. Liquid colours and additives only by Waldemar Schmitke Repi S.p.A. Meanwhile, back in North-West Italy, we pay a visit to family-owned company Repi in Lonate Ceppino (VA), not far from Milan. Repi is a global supplier of colours and additives in liquid form for thermoplastics and polyurethanes. The company’s range comprises dosing units and measuring devices specifically developed by Repi for dosing liquid colours and additives. Here in Lonate Ceppino we met Ferruccio Angiolini, President, and Filippo Angiolini, Man- aging Director Thermoplastics division. The company can look back on a history spanning more than 40 years. Filippo Angiolini explained: “The company was set up in 1973. A start was made straight away with the production of liquid pigment and additive dispersion and solid masterbatch. Today the company has two production locations, one of which has its headquarters here in Lonate Ceppino and a further production site in Charlotte NC, USA.” Out of 100 employees divided between Italy, US and Russia, 80 work here in Lonate Ceppino and 18 of them are employed in the laboratory and R&D. Filippo Angiolini continued: “In 2013 we were able to supply a total of 4,000t of liquid colours and additives to 70 countries worldwide; this represents an increase of 10% compared to the pre- vious year.“ Repi was keen to point out the significance of this: considering an average l.d.r. between 0.01% to approximately 2% of Repi products, it is ultimately possible to colour up to 800,000t of resins. Further milestones in the history of Repi are listed below: 1997: the company enters the PET market (PET preforms) 1998: relocation to this site with R&D, Production, Stores and Service 2011: expansion of the Lonate Ceppino site with focus on the laboratory Own branch office in Moscow with sales, technical service and stores 2012: Start of production, R&D and technical service in Charlotte NC, USA 2013: Solid masterbatch production was gradually phased out. “This“ explained Filippo Angiolini “was a milestone for us.” Colours and additives are readily available in granulate form (masterbatch). Repi also used to offer these additives in masterbatch as an option. However, for strategic reasons, Repi took the decision to offer colours and additives in liquid form only. Liquid additives call for sophisticated technology and consequently are able to yield higher margins. Master- batch manufacturers are legion but there are just a few large companies that manufacture liquid additives. Repi’s argument is that it is possible to achieve better and more homogeneous colouring performance with liquid additives, at lower addition rates, making for savings in costs. Filippo Angiolini concluded: “40% of our total turnover in Italy is thermoplastics, of which the proportion in turn for PET applications is around 65%.” Repi aerial view Lomate Ceppino Italy