Insider 03 / 2015
EDITOUR REPORT 17 PET planet insider Vol. 16 Paradiso S.p.A. by Alexander Büchler The first step is always the hardest, so runs the proverb. This is a lesson that Paradiso had to learn when, in 2003, the company, at the time a newcomer to the beverages market, was launched with 2 PET water lines. In the first few years the company relied on attractive prices to sell its products, in the interests of gaining market share. There is no money to be earned through selling “value” water. In 2006 the company decided to enter the high- priced restaurant water market with a glass line and, in 2011, supplemented this with an aseptic line from the manufacturer Procomac so as to be able to supply drinks which enjoyed higher margins. As the consumer is unwilling to accept price increases for “value” water, the company has now established its own higher- priced water brand in the market place. The price for the “value” water is still at rock bottom. Today, in addition to water, Paradiso also supply CSD, juice, iced tea and iso- tonic drinks under their own brand name and also as private labels. In the water sector, you find yourself with 300 competitors to battle with, in the aseptic sector; by contrast, it is a mere four or five, explained Mr Luca Ravetti plant manager. Along with the filling/bot- tling plants, Paradiso has also expanded its beverages development activities. This enables the company to react very quickly and flex- ibly to market conditions. In particular when new flavours from the big brands make an appearance on the market, the private labels are keen to have similar products on the shelves. Unless they develop their own drinks, where new flavours can be launched without delay, cre- ating new flavours with the syrup manufacturers would take too long.