Insider 03 / 2015
PET TOP TALK 28 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 03/15 Dry preform decontamination technology Growing forward… A Predis review After a good trading year 2014 three companies talking about their new and approved technologies. Here are the exciting growing strategies and product developments for 2015 of Sidel, GDXL and Piovan. Worldwide sales in 2014 of Sidel’s Predis dry preform decontamination were doubled, compared to the 2013 figures. In this growth, Predis has supported pro- duce beverages safely while reducing the costs and improv- ing the environmental performance of the bottlers who have invested in it. Fifteen years ago, Sidel recog- nised that it was simpel and safe to decontaminate the preform, being smaller and having a single straight surface, rather than the bottle. Sterilis- ing the preform is an appoved method for producing sensitive products safely. When the dry preform decon- tamination solution was launched in 2006, the market was dominated by traditional solutions based on wet bottle decontamination. Predis became the accepted standard for the beverage industry and Sidel has took a leading position in beverage produc- tion technology and solutions for liquid packaging. The near doubling of sales compared with the previous confirmed an endorsement of this technology by beverage and dairy companies, many of which are producing leading brands. Sidel’s Vice President of Product Management, Alessandro Paini, com- ments: “With over 40 years’ experi- ence in aseptic beverages and dairy bottling solutions, Sidel enjoys a leading position in production tech- nology and solutions for liquid pack- aging. Predis protects brands, ensur- ing complete product integrity and safety. It can also assist in the more natural reformulation of sensitive products that previously required the addition of preservatives to maintain food safety. It is the ideal solution for products distributed at ambient temperature and, when products are refrigerated during distribution, can actually extend shelf life.” It is a success that the technology has already brought to bottling lines by complying with the hygienic design requirements for safe beverage and liquid dairy production. With around 19 billion safe bottles produced world- wide to date and more than 90 pro- duction lines equipped with preform decontamination, Sidel reached a high level of customer satisfaction that is an indicator of the reliability of the technology. In 2014, the investments in Predis came from throughout the world, from China to South East Asia, from Europe to the Americas. Proven environmental and cost benefits As fully dry systems, Predis and Capdis enable the 100% decon- tamination of all types of preforms and caps within an integrated blow- fill-cap solution. Mr Arnaud Poupet, Sidel Product Manager for Predis: Food safety for beverages applications The Sidel Predis systems sold in 2014 will be used in the bottling of a very wide range of products, from juice and ready-to-drink beverages, isotonics and functional drinks, mineral, flavoured and coconut waters, to liquid dairy products including UHT white milk. This demonstrates the production versatility of this dry preform decontamination in terms of applications, whether it is used in aseptic or ultra clean bottling facili- ties. It may also be combined with Sidel Capdis™ for the sterilisation of caps. To provide the flexibility to meet many varied applications, Sidel Predis has been sold in various equipment con- figurations last year, mainly in the Sidel integrated aseptic blow-fill-cap Combi Predis FMa.