Insider 03 / 2015
THE NORTH AMERICAN ROAD SHOW 40 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 03/15 New hot runner Husky has recently announced the development of a new beverage pack- aging hot runner that features a new melt delivery system. The company says that this provides benefits in part weight, cycle time, part tolerances, and package design. Mould alignment Husky’s tooling capabilities include enhanced mould alignment features, including integrated align- ment technologies that work together to decrease wear and extend mould life. Three sets of sensors are used to detect the position of the core plate relative to the cavity plate; the HMI displays the mould position and provides instructions to resolve any misalignment with the mould posi- tioning device, allowing the user to align the mould using the adjustment mechanism. These sensors are also used to optimise the injection pro- cess to improved cycle time and part quality. Multi-layer barrier technology Barrier technology is also an important feature in the compa- ny’s roadmap. Robert Domodos- sola observed that the recent trend towards smaller PET bottles may cause issues with shelf life in cer- tain environments; it seemed that the time was right for Husky to launch its barrier module. Built on the HyPET® HPP5 platform, the co-injection unit is claimed to be able to produce multi- layer preforms with a wide range of barrier content, while delivering up to 50% savings on material costs and providing more precise control for the barrier layer. A system for beverage closure manufacturing Husky’s latest HyCAP system, launched in late 2012, has become one of the leading beverage clo- sures injection moulding systems. It incorporates new technologies that are intended to simplify operations and extend mould life, and to offer additional energy savings over previ- ous generations of the system. It also delivers improved cycle time and use- ability. We thanked our hosts for their hospitality and detailed discussions, and prepared ourselves for the inhos- pitable Canadian cold. We agreed that one consolation is that we will enjoy warmer temperatures when we meet again, in Orlando. f.l.t.r.: Wesley Grove, Manager – Advanced Engineering Process & Technology, Robert Domodossola, Vice President, Engineering & Business Development, Roman Pirog, Director, Development Engineering