Insider 03 / 2015
TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 50 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 03/15 Recycling line recoSTAR PET iV+ 6WDUOLQJHU +HDG 2IßFH Sonnenuhrgasse 4, A 1060 Vienna 7 ) UHF\FOLQJ#VWDUOLQJHU FRP ZZZ UHF\FOLQJ VWDUOLQJHU FRP $ PHPEHU RI 6WDUOLQJHU *URXS 7KURXJK XSF\FOLQJ 3(7 ZDVWH EHFRPHV D YDOXDEOH VHFRQGDU\ UHVRXUFH substituting virgin resin at up to 100% LQ ERWWOH WR ERWWOH DSSOLFDWLRQV Visit us at: NPE 2015, 0DUFK Á %RRWK Plast Milan 2015, 0D\ Á +DOO %RRWK & & textile packaging consumer bags | | | 1835 – 2015: 6WDUOLQJHUÄV ßUV t 180 \HDUV West Hall Level 2, Booth:W151 Preform injection moulding and stretch-blow-moulding developments Sipa, will be showing one of its latest Xform preform injection moulding systems on its stand, along with its T80 single-stage injection-stretch-blow (ISBM) moulding system. Sipa is sharing its stand with Athena Automation, its partner in the development of the Xform 300 and the smaller Xform 150. The Xform 300 has an electrically-driven two-platen clamp unit and accepts moulds with up to 96 cavities. The demonstrator at the show will be equipped with a Sipa 72-cavity preform mould. Sipa says that the unit features advanced platen parallelism, wide tie bar spacing and sensi- tive mould protection, and accepts. legacy moulds from all leading mould manufacturers. It can also be fitted with a new post-mould cooling system that can cool the preforms for up to six cycles. The four-station Sipa T80 ISBM was originally developed by Automa, whose ISBM business was acquired by Sipa in 2014. It will be demonstrated with a six-cavity mould and will produce 500-mL asymetric PET bottles for household cleaning products. These ISBM machines are designed for production of containers in smaller lots than the company’s existing units. Sipa will also be presenting its latest develop- ments in in production and refurbishing moulds and will pre- sent the latest innovations in packaging created by its own engineering and design staff. Sipa will be holding seminar presentations on its Sincro Xtreme technology for produc- tion of PET bottles using injection-compression-stretch-blow moulding (ICSBM).