Insider 03 / 2015
NEWS 9 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 03/15 New Chief Sales Officer at Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH announced that Gerd Liebig will become Managing Director (Chief Sales Officer) of the group. Gerd Liebig, 53, will take over full responsibility of all worldwide sales, after sales and marketing activities out of the company’s headquarter in Schwaig. He will also lead the worldwide sales subsidiaries and representatives. Gerd Liebig will join Sumitomo (SHI) Demag from April 1st 2015 with exten- sive experience in the plastic machinery business. Most recently serving as Group Marketing Director for an injection moulding machine manufacturer in Austria, Gerd Liebig has been engaged for 25 years in the injection moulding machinery business. Before joining the last position he spent 15 years at former Demag Plastics Group, now Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH, as Marketing Director and later Chief Strategic Officer. The plastic closure company committed to your success BERI CAP Technology Research and Development Mould Technology | Global Presence Capping Technology and Know-How Innovation and Flexibility LDPET system revolutionises recycling of PET bottles Launched in 2014 after 5 years of research and development, the LDPET system by Sleever International can be considered as a major breakthrough when it comes to the recycling of PET bottles. The system allows bottles, deco- rated with either a total or a partial sleeve, to be treated and recycled to produce new bottles. The LDPET system was awarded with the “Oscar de l’Emballage” within the environment category at the recent Emballage 2014 packaging exhibi- tion. Besides beverage, the LDPET sleeve also offers new opportunities to all manufacturers of household products, cosmetics and solid food products. Newly developed film and unique printing process make breakthrough possible. The LDPET system permits 100% recycling of sleeved bottles while produc- ing a completely pure recycled resin, a prerequisite for the manufacturing of new bottles. Developed using several technological platforms of Sleever International, this breakthrough was made possible thanks to two major developments: The SI-TPEG/050 ZL film, which shows a spectrum recognized by infrared detection systems as being the same as PET, and a specific gravity below 1 which allows easy sorting via a floatation tank. A unique printing process, which ensures that the specific non-bleeding inks attach easily to the sleeve during separation processes. As a result, the LDPET sleeve allows to eliminate bottle rejection at the opti- cal sorting stage, meaning that any bottle decorated with an LDPET sleeve, either total or partial, will be oriented, with no exception, towards the PET recy- cling channel. The LDPET sleeve also allows the production of a completely pure recycled resin. There is no more pollution risk due to ink migration or imperfect sorting. Inks remain trapped in the flakes of sleeve which float to the surface of settling tanks, while PET flakes sink to the bottom. With the LDPET sleeve, recy- clers benefit for the first time from a system that allows the systematic bottle-to- bottle recovery of PET bottles, according to the company. The LDPET sleeve is a step forward in terms of sustainable development for beverage manufacturers who can now produce new bottles from used ones, whatever the decorating solution chosen (partial or total LDPET sleeve). Although the LDPET sleeve can be integrated on existing equipment, its imple- mentation with the so-called SleeverCombisteam-LDPET will offer higher produc- tion outputs. The SleeverCombisteam-LDPET allows total or partial decoration of bottles ranging from 20 cl up to 2 litres, with two models enabling to follow out- puts between 8,000 and 12,000 or between 15,000 and 30,000 bottles per hour. The LDPET sleeve has just been approved by the APR (Association of Plastic Postconsumer Recyclers) to be used in the bottle to bottle channel. This highly demanding association represents today 90% of the North American recycling capacity.