Insider 05 / 2015
CAPPING / CLOSURES 35 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 05/15 Securing value for a strong future IPACK-IMA 2015 Mailand/Roh, 19 – 23 May Hall 4, Stand E03/F10 Why is precision such an important requirement for injection moulding machines? Mangold : The mould optimisation trials quickly revealed that the production of Incap dispensing caps required maximum preci- sion in terms of dimensional stability and geometry of the carrier components, in order to ensure that the sealing properties of the membrane and the assembled carrier components were never jeop- ardized. The process safety had to be guaranteed at all times. This is why the 8-cavity production mould design was optimised –during pilot trials on an all-electric Sumitomo (SHI) Demag IntElect injection moulding machine. What makes Incap dispensing caps so special? Hauck: With their special design, Incap dispensing caps are in a category of their own among competing products on the shelf. While consum- ers using our product feel that they are contributing to their health and wellbeing, they also experience this cap as a fun novelty item as these caps allow them to add the ingre- dients themselves and watch them dissolve in their bever- age. Bottlers are impressed with the product’s versatility, which is why our caps are ideal marketing material. A beverage is so much more interesting if consumers can prepare their very own special drink. www.kun ststoffspritzguss-