Insider 05 / 2015

PET bottles 44 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 05/15 Beverage + Liquid Food MHT MOLD & HOTRUNNER TECHNOLOGY AG Your Machine - Our Solution German Technology 5.1 C10 Volvic – Angel or Devil? For Volvic Touch, Danone Waters Deutschland GmbH has launched two new flavour variations with an unusual composition and an appropri- ate marketing concept. One of these soft drinks, sporting a ”Devilish“ tag, is made from natural mineral water with strawberry, cherry and ginger flavours, whilst the second drink is called ”Heavenly“ and tastes of blueberries, cassis and vanilla. The products are packed in transparent PET bottles each containing 1.5l and reinforcement grooves running all round the bottle. The name “Touch” is omitted on the transparent plastic labels and a devil/angel symbol acts as an aid to orientation. The bottles are sealed with colour-coded screw closures complete with tamper-proof guarantee. Ti expands its product range “Ti“, a brand name of the German company Teeküche GmbH, has expanded its existing range, which has until now been made up of three types, by a new variant consisting of the basic ingredient – black tea – and a proportion of blueberry and pomegran- ate juice. All types of the beverage, manufactured from freshly brewed tea are packaged in elegant PET bottles containing half a litre or one litre, with the brand name in the form of a tea leaf in the neck area, an all-round paper label and a screw closure complete with guarantee strip. All four types display the bio-seal in accordance with the EU Eco Regulation. fruit2go in PET “fruit2go“ is Franken Brunnen’s name for their non-carbonated series of soft drinks, each with a fruit content of approx.12%. There is a total of six differ- ent drinks in the range. The illustration shows grape- fruit/raspberry and citrus/ pomelo. As a rule the prod- ucts attract immediate atten- tion due to their intense, almost luminous colour and their visually attractive packaging. The 0.75l bottle is waisted to make it easier to grasp and hold, featuring slight impressions and decorated with a plastic label.