Insider 09 / 2015

MATERIAL / RECYCLING 15 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 09/15 MATERIAL / RECYCLING 15 SDWHQWV UHVHDUFKHUV DQG WHFKQLFLDQV LQVWDOOHG SODQWV EUDQFKHV ZRUOGZLGH ,I ZH KDGQêW JRQH VR IDU ZH ZRXOGQêW EH VR QHDU <RXU IXWXUH VHHQ IURP QHDU Sorema adventure in Perpetual With its 40 years of experience Sorema is one of the leader in the design, construction and installation of plastics recycling plants worldwide. The activity covers all steps of the turn key project, from engineering, pro- curement and machine construction to the complete installation and plant startup. Since the early years Sorema developed strategic associations with custom- ers around the world which were mostly requested by the local entrepreneurs. Following this strategical activity Sorema has joined Perpetual Recycling Solution in the USA - Indiana. This company, using Soremas wash line, is also equipped with machinery from other suppliers: in the feeding area, the sorting area, etc. One of the tar- gets of this project for Sorema will be the harmonisation of the components changing and / or adding Sorema design-modules to obtain a fully integrated process. This activity foreseen multiple steps of implementation (improvement of the quality and the capacity) also con- sidering the optimisation of the yield as the main objec- tive of the intervention. The yield improvement should be found in the recovery of the products which includes PET fines, HDPE, labels, trays, etc. This approach at 360° of the PET recycling activity, using the US curbside material find justification in the present market conditions: 1) Provide higher added values to materials which drop significantly due to the reduced international demand. 2) Reduce the cost of waste material disposal. 3) Provide higher grade of flexibility on the input material acceptance due to the natural variability of the bale composition. 4) Improve the overall profitability of the mechanical recycling process. A new Sorema division (S.A.M. – Sorema assistant and management) was founded to provide the start up of a new project including the training of the operators, the definition of the production’s procedures, reach- ing higher manufacturing performance and for qual- ity control (Q.C.), maintenance, logistic, etc. This all is integrated in a dedicated enterprise resource planning (ERP). The Perpetual Recycling Solution challenge is already providing positive results according to the expectation of all partners.