Insider 09 / 2015

MATERIAL / RECYCLING 19 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 09/15 MATERIAL / RECYCLING 19 PETnology/tecPET GmbH | Regensburg, Germany Phone: +49 941 870 23 74 | Fax: +49 941 870 23 73 PET Passion Week 2015 NUREMBERG, GERMANY 09-12 NOVEMBER 2015 CONFERENCE 09-10 NOVEMBER F r e e e n t r y o r V I P t i c k e t s E n d - U s e r S p e c i a l : PET AT BRAUBEVIALE 10-12 NOVEMBER INFORMATION PARTNER SUPPORTED BY ® S e n s o r s y s t e m e G m b H criticism from the country’s industrial sector. But it is in fact an excellent system, because it makes sure firstly that PET containers are returned at all, and secondly even pre-sorted. Unfortunately, we don’t have this won- derful system here in France, with a concomitantly low return quota, not to mention the bottles’ contamination”, says Pierre Papillaud. “My firm convic- tion is this: ‘Anyone contaminating the natural environment should be made to pay for it’. Our industrial sector does precisely that, by producing con- tainers. It follows that responsibility for this has to be assumed, and the bot- tles have to be recycled. I don’t think there are very many companies in the world that stick to this philosophy as rigorously as we do. It is not first and foremost a question of money, it’s one of responsibility.” In the washing module, the flakes are passed through a multi-stage washing process comprising pre-wash- ing, intensive washing, and post-washing.