Insider 10 / 2015

PET bottles 54 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 10/15 Beverage + Liquid Food Bio-Limo from ViO Under its brand “ViO”, and the name “Bio-Limo”, Coca-Cola Germany is selling two bio-certified lemonades in attractively designed PET litre bottles. The orange variant contains 20% juice whereas lemon and lime contains 10% fruit juice. Both types are packaged in bottles featuring a long waisted area and surface grooves in this section to ensure stability and to secure the sleeve label with the non-label look. The bottles are of so-called “plantbot- tle” construction and consist of 14% sustainable raw materials, 35% recy- cled plastic and are 100% recyclable. The bottles are sealed with lightweight, colour matched screw closures printed with the brand name and incorporating a tamper-proof strip. Cachaça in PET 500ml Cachaça Caninha do Barril is being marketed by the Brazilian manufacturer Pirassununga in a barrel- shaped PET bottle. The product, which is pitched in the lower price segment, is, like the higher quality variations, manufactured from sugar cane, has a 39% alcohol con- tent and is artificially sweetened. Cachaça is used chiefly as an ingredient of Caipirinha. The transparent bottle incorporates vertical notches and features an all-round indent with reinforcing grooves in the body area. The indented section is used to fix the plastic label in position. Acting as a seal for the easy-to-handle bottle is a screw closure complete with tamper-proof strip. Edible oils in PET The German discount store Lidl makes use of recurrent promotions to sell unusual products in distinctive packages. As part of its Vitasia promo- tion weeks, a number of edible oils have featured in the range. Sometimes aro- matised, the oils are packed in square, slim and transparent, slightly waisted 250ml PET bottles with bevelled side edges. Two self-adhesive labels carry the retail and product data, and colour matched screw closures with detach- able tamper-proof guarantee complete the packaging.