Insider 12 / 2015

INSPECTION 19 PET planet insider Vol. 16 Applications Leak testers are used in the packaging industry by converters and bottlers wherever plastic contain- ers are manufactured or handled. The main industries include the Food and Beverage, Phar- maceutical, Household, Personal Care, Chemi- cal and Industrial market segments. According to Jack Hughes, the largest quantities of containers that are leak tested are in the Food and Beverage market, although there is widespread penetration across all plastic container markets. Alps’ installed base of machines is leak testing approximately 50 bil- lion bottles annually; with approximately 50% of these being PET contain- ers. We extend our thanks for the brief insight into the world of leak testers and travel back again to Chicago. BIG CONTAINERS, ONE STOP SOLUTIONS 7,; PZ YHWPKS` ILJVTPUN [OL TVZ[ JVZ[ LќLJ[P]L HUK ÅL_PISL WHJRHNPUN HS[LYUH[P]L MVY IPN JVU[HPULYZ J\Z[VTHYPS` THKL MYVT /+7, [PUWSH[L JHUZ WVS`JHYIVUH[L HUK HS\TPU\T 7,; JVU]LYZPVU IYPUNZ NYLH[ HK]HU[HNLZ PU [LYTZ VM JVZ[Z ZWLLK HUK LHZL VM WYVK\J[PVU HZ ^LSS HZ SVNPZ[PJZ >P[O THU` `LHYZ VM L_WLYPLUJL :07( PZ `V\Y VUL Z[VW ZOVW MVY PUUV]H[P]L WYVK\J[PVU [LJOUVSVN` ZVS\[PVUZ MVY Q\Z[ HIV\[ HU` SHYNL ZPaL JVU[HPULY YHUNPUN MYVT [V SP[LYZ ^OL[OLY YL[\YUHISL VUL ^H` ZX\HYL YV\UK VY ZX\HYL Z[HJRHISL :[HY[PUN MYVT [OL KLZPNU VM [OL WYLMVYT HUK [OL JVU[HPULY [OYV\NO PUQLJ[PVU HUK ISV^ TV\SKPUN [V ÄSSPUN HUK OHUKSPUN ;OPUR IPN [OPUR :07( INJECT BLOW FILL PALLETIZE SIPA S.p.A. - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy Tel. +39 0438 911511 - Fax +39 0438 912273 - e-mail: [email protected] ^^^ ZPWH P[ Tour Sponsors: