Insider 12 / 2015

MARKET SURVEY 22 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 12/15 12/2015 MARKET survey Company name Fogg Filler SMI S.p.A. Serac Group Sipa Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail 3455 John F. Donelly Drive Holland, MI 49424, USA +1 616 786 9644 www.foggfiller. com Ms Susan Lamar Media Relations Manager +1 616 768 3644 +1 616 786 0350 Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 San Giovanni Bianco, Italy +39 0345 40111 Mr Pietro Volpi Marketing Dept. Manager +39 0345 40316 +39 0345 40209 [email protected] 12 route de Mamers - BP 46 72400 La Ferte Bernard / France +33 2 43 60 28 28 Mr Roland Nicolas Dairy & Aseptic Business Dev. Director +33 2 43 60 28 32 +33 2 43 60 28 37 [email protected] Via Caduti del Lavoro n. 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) Italy +39 0438 911511 Mr Matteo Tagliaferri Marketing and Communication +39 0521 548111 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number F Series Ecobloc, blowing, filling & capping Serac Aseptic System (SAS PL) Isofill P StillFills StillFill R\HR Flextronic C 2. Number of filling heads (range: from/to) up to 100 Electronic volumetric fillers (18 - 126) 1 - 2 20-160 20-120 20-120 50-160 3. Min to max bottle contents (in liters) 50ml - 5l 0.25 - 10l 50ml -2l 0,125ml-3l 0,125ml-3l 0,125ml-3l 0,125ml-3l 4. Filling speed: output (bph) (min to max): 4,800 - 36,000 up to 1,200 specifiy: 1l bottle / still water (bph) up 60,000bph 4,800 - 36,000 60.000 62.000 60.000 1l bottle / CSD (bph) up 60,000bph 4,800 - 36,000 51.000 55.000 (CMW) 1l bottle / Milk (bph) up 60,000bph 4,800 - 36,000 up to 1200 1l bottle / Juice (bph) up 60,000bph 4,800 - 36,000 up to 1200 53.000 62.000 55.000 59.000 5. Filling process Pressureless (still drinks) Gravity fill yes Mass flow meter fill yes yes yes yes Pressure filling (carbonated drinks) yes yes yes Hot filling Gravity fill yes yes Cold aseptic filling Cold fill - gravity fill Mass flow meter fill Juices with high pulp content Gravity fill Mass flow meter fill yes yes 6. Type of filling valve and metering system No metering system - gravity filling vales (fill to a level) Electronic volumetric filling valves Flowmeters (metering system) Magnetic valves and flow meter isobaric mechani- cal level filling mechanical gravity filling mechanical gravity filling walve with recirculation isobaric volumetric filling valve Company name Sacmi Filling S.p.A Krones AG Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail [email protected] +39 0521 695411 www.sacmifilling .it Mr Iacopo Bianconcini Area & Marketing Manager +39 0542 607 111 +39 0542 64 2354 [email protected] Böhmerwaldstr. 5 93073 Neutraubling, Germany +49 9401 70 0 Mr Stefan Kraus Product Manager Filling Division +49 9401 3144 +49 9401 3056 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number AWS, AWF, AWE, AWG, AHF, AHG, VSF, VSG, EWS, EWF, EWE, EHF, EHC, ESF, ELF, ELG, ELT, ECF Modulfill 2. Number of filling heads (range: from/to) 8 - 216 filling valves 16 - 216 3. Min to max bottle contents (in liters) 0,15ml-12l 4. Filling speed: output (bph) (min to max): 250ml to 750ml: speed 36.000 specifiy: 1l bottle / still water (bph) 5,000 - 75,000bph up to 72,000 1l bottle / CSD (bph) 5,000 - 75,000bph up to 65,000 1l bottle / Milk (bph) 4,000 - 60,000bph up to 60,000 1l bottle / Juice (bph) 4,000 - 60,000bph up to 60,000 5. Filling process Pressureless (still drinks) yes Volumetric filling system; Net weight filling system; Height filling system Pressure filling (carbonated drinks) yes Volumetric filling system; Net weight filling system; Height filling system Hot filling yes Volumetric filling system; Net weight filling system; Height filling system Cold aseptic filling PETAsept L / PETAsept D / ContiformAseptBloc Juices with high pulp content yes Height filling system; Pre-dosing system 6. Type of filling valve and metering system Isobarometric with vent tube, magnetic flow meters, mass flowmeters, volumetric long tube, strain gauges, levele probes, magnetic flowmetwers & time Volumetric filling system; Net weight filling system; Height filling system