Insider 12 / 2015

BOTTLES 35 PET planet insider Vol. 16 No. 12/15 Agave syrup in headstand bottle The Austrian com- pany Vita + Naturprodukte GmbH is marketing, under the brand name of Verival, 250ml Bio-Agave syrup for sweetening food and bever- ages. The advantages of agave syrup lie in its lower calorie count compared to sugar. In terms of its flow behaviour it is superior to honey. There is also the fact that it is soluble, even in cold drinks. The product, which is certified with several bio-seals, is packaged in a transparent headstand bottle made from PET. It also incorporates a hinged lid cap with an automatic closure silicone valve. Prior to any manipulation the product is protected by means of a secu- rity label on the top of the lid and an additional safeguard in the shape of the non-label-look label on the front that extends to reach into the closure area. Iced tea from Adelholzener The boundaries between the differ- ent drinks manufacturers for juice, min- eral water and iced tea are becoming increasingly nebulous. Following hard on the heels of “limo” from Granini, Saft Schorle from Punica and the various Volvic combinations we now also have various beverages with tea extracts from Adelholzener Alpenquellen GmbH. There are three different iced teas – with lemon, fruits of the forest and peach – and a fourth variant in the shape of black tea with orange. By way of a bottle Adelholzener have selected a transparent reusable bottle with a content of 500ml. In the neck area the bottle has all-round curved grooves and is embossed with a mountain – the brand image of Adelholzener. The bottle is decorated with an all-round paper label and sealed with a cap clo- sure complete with strip as security against tampering.