Insider 05 / 2016
COMPRESSORS 21 PET planet insider Vol. 17 Shaftless motor with direct drive When compared directly, a W-series machine from Belliss & Morcom, a Gardner Denver Group company, produced the best values. A type WH 29 3N oil-free piston compres- sor with a 325kW direct drive and a maximum volume flow of 1,800m 3 /h (at 40bar) was therefore purchased. One of the features of the W-series piston compressors is the special drive con- cept, which does not have a belt drive or gear and clutch. This direct drive is said to make for a high degree of efficiency, long service life and low space requirement. Half-load/full-load control The W-series piston machines are double- acting: two suction and compression processes are performed per revolu- tion. They are also easy to control, even with the basic version, because they can be operated with half load (50% of full load) by means of valve cut-off and even then they are efficient. As they are quiet, there is no need for foundations, and the precision guidance of the piston and piston rod according to the crosshead principle makes for a long compressor service life. Frequency-controlled drive Gropper opted for an even more efficient W-series version with frequency- controlled drive. The piston compressor has a very large control range from 530 to 1,800m 3 /h (30 to 100%), so that even smaller quanti- ties or lighter PET bottles can be produced equally as efficiently (although the plant mainly fills 0.9 to 1.35l containers they also fill 0.33l bottles). At the same time, there are hardly any off-load losses, as the pressure can be kept constant over a very narrow pressure range. The system is controlled via a Sie- mens S7 PLC, programmed by Gard- ner Denver, which controls the com- pressor according to demand (with the network pressure as the reference variable). In addition, the pressure can be specifically reduced below 30 bar if lighter bottles are being produced. This also helps to ensure economi- cal, demand-based compressed air generation. The compressed air experts at Gardner Denver were tasked with the design of both the compressor and the controller. They worked on this together with Claus Meyer, Electri- cal Engineering Planner at Gropper. They also planned the user interface, which displays the operating states of the plant – which also includes an energy-saving refrigerant dryer with scroll compressor from the Gardner Denver range. BIG CONTAINERS, ONE STOP SOLUTIONS 7,; PZ YHWPKS` ILJVTPUN [OL TVZ[ JVZ[ LќLJ[P]L HUK ÅL_PISL WHJRHNPUN HS[LYUH[P]L MVY IPN JVU[HPULYZ J\Z[VTHYPS` THKL MYVT /+7, [PUWSH[L JHUZ WVS`JHYIVUH[L HUK HS\TPU\T 7,; JVU]LYZPVU IYPUNZ NYLH[ HK]HU[HNLZ PU [LYTZ VM JVZ[Z ZWLLK HUK LHZL VM WYVK\J[PVU HZ ^LSS HZ SVNPZ[PJZ >P[O THU` `LHYZ VM L_WLYPLUJL :07( PZ `V\Y VUL Z[VW ZOVW MVY PUUV]H[P]L WYVK\J[PVU [LJOUVSVN` ZVS\[PVUZ MVY Q\Z[ HIV\[ HU` SHYNL ZPaL JVU[HPULY YHUNPUN MYVT [V SP[LYZ ^OL[OLY YL[\YUHISL VUL ^H` ZX\HYL YV\UK VY ZX\HYL Z[HJRHISL :[HY[PUN MYVT [OL KLZPNU VM [OL WYLMVYT HUK [OL JVU[HPULY [OYV\NO PUQLJ[PVU HUK ISV^ TV\SKPUN [V ÄSSPUN HUK OHUKSPUN ;OPUR IPN [OPUR :07( INJECT BLOW FILL PALLETIZE SIPA S.p.A. - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy Tel. +39 0438 911511 - Fax +39 0438 912273 - e-mail:
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