MARKET SURVEY 27 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 05/16 Kosme Gesellschaft mbH Wentworth Mold Ltd. KHS Corpoplast GmbH Moldintec Brasil Vitalii and Son , ST Gewerbestr. 3, 2601 Sollenau, Austria +43 2628 411 0 Mr Johann Gugler Managing Director +43 2628 411 125 +43 2628 411 4125
[email protected] 566 Arvin Ave., Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada L8E 5P1 905-643-9044 Mr Tar Tsau General Manager +1 905 643 9044 ext. 311 +1 905 643 5406
[email protected] Meiendorfer Str. 203, 22145 Hamburg, Germany +49 40 67907 0 Mr Dennis Jacobi Team leader modernisation +49 40 67907 225 +49 40 67907 210 bottles &
[email protected] Av Brigadeiro Faria Lima 3729, 5 andar, Sao Paulo - SP, CEP 04538-905, Brazil +55 11 3443 6493 Eng. Thiago Tullio Country Manager +55 11 98815 3333
[email protected] №276, bul. Vladislav Varnenchik, 9009 City Varna, Bulgaria +359 8879 78 757 Mr Vitaliy Marinyak Executive Manager +359 8885 18 782 +359 5251 01 68
[email protected] 30 20l Up to 3,5l 20 Up to 20l No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Kosme, Krones, Sidel and KHS For all blow moulding machine platforms, such as, Sidel, Krones, KHS,SIPA, Siapi, etc. Mainly for KHS Corpoplast InnoPET Blomax SBM Coca Cola, Pepsico, Danone, Nestle, Aje group certified mould supplier Carlsberg Bulgaria, Ecobottles Ltd, PJSC Obolon, IPR Ltd and Kelto Ltd Yes Yes, prototype sampling, bottle performance tests Yes (bottles & shapes) Yes Yes Bottle development service free of charge, if blowmoulds are ordered Hot-Fill/Heatset moulds with enery efficient system & multi-platform interchangeable quick mould systems Light-weight design and special applications. Bottles & Shapes programme, complete chain of competence from bottle design to perfect performance in filling lines Low pressure blowing >17bars for CSD bottles up to 3l Designing, Prototyping Enhanced cooling system NCBs propietary base for use of nitrogen and wide nitrogen operation range up to 30psi Solent Mould Tools Ltd PET Technologies Sipa Molds Sacmi Imola Relay Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 7SB UK +44 23 9223 9950 Mr Mark Sim Managing Director +44 23 9223 9950 +44 23 9223 9951
[email protected] 2 Shirokaya St., Chernigov, 14021, Ukraine + 380 43 720 902 169 Mr Maxim Poliansky Marketing Director +380 43 720 902 169 off
[email protected] Via Caduti del Lavoro 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy +39 04389 11511 Mr Franco Porracin PET Systems and Tooling BU Director +39 04389 11511 +39 04389 11694
[email protected] Via Selice Prov. le 17/A 40026 Imola BO, Italy +39 0542 607 111 Ms Valentina Gollini PR& ADV dept +39 0542 607 607 +39 02 57763006
[email protected] 5l 30l 30l 3.3l Yes Yes No No Yes - all platforms Yes Yes Yes Sidel, Krones, KHS, Sig, SIAPI, Krupp, Mag, etc. ADS, Dynablow, KHS, Kosme, Krones, Siapi, Sidel, SIPA, SMIForm, etc. Sidel, Krones, KHS, SIG, Krupp, SMI, Siapi, Kosme, Side Yes, full bottle design capability and rapid prototyping of marketing mock-ups Yes Yes, brandbuilding, product repositioning, marketing design, packaging engineering, lightweightening of existing bottles, etc. Sacmi Interface parts & carriers to allow different OEM moulds to be fitted in other machine platforms, e.g. Krones into Sidel, Sidel into KHS, etc. EBM moulds supplied for all platforms Bottle design, prototyping, laboratory tests, blow moulds production, auxiliary parts and mould repair, bottleneck standards conversion Wide mouth, large sizes (up to 30l), asymmetrical, Nitrogen hot fill, containers with handles, HDPE to PET conversions Double cavity mould on bottles with d<73mm Processing support available across N.America and Europe for pilot and production runs Acme Die Systems Pvt Ltd Otto Hofstetter AG Nissei ASB Machine Co., Ltd. TPS Tooling Preform Systems MHT Mold & Hotrunner Technology Sipa Molds Sacmi Imola C207 Mayapuri Industrial Area Phase II, New Delhi 110064, India +91 11 47718888 Mr Sukhbir Singh Dir. Mktg +91 9810418975 +91 11 47718888
[email protected] Zürcherstrasse 73, 8730 Uznach, Switzerland +41 55 285 22 11 Mr Stefan Zatti Division Mgr Sales &Marketing +41 55 285 22 09 +41 55 285 22 44
[email protected] 4586-3 Koo, Komoro-shi, Nagano-ken 384-8585, Japan +81 267 23 1565 Mr Paul Atkin Sec. Manager Marketing Group +81 267 23 1565 +81 267 23 1564
[email protected] C Houtmanstraat 42, 7825VG Emmen, The Netherlands +31 591 679768 Mr Richard Tempel Account Manager +31 6 25041136 +31 591 630616
[email protected] Dr. Ruben-Rausing-Str. 7, 65239 Hochheim/Main, Germany +49 6146 906 0 Mr Carsten Lurz Vice President Sales, Marketing +49 6146 906 0 +49 6146 906 399
[email protected] Via Caduti del Lavoro 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy +39 04389 11511 Mr Franco Porracin PET Sys.Tooling Director +39 04389 11511 +39 04389 11694
[email protected] Via Selice Prov. le 17/A 40026 Imola BO, Italy +39 0542 607 111 Ms Valentina Gollini PR& ADV Dept +39 0542 607 607 +39 02 57763006 v
[email protected] For preforms & caps For various applications Yes Yes 16-32-48-72-96-128 2-72 2 up to 192 96 2-192 cavities Up to 192 L< 190mm Weight 4-750g & dia 12-150mm up to 500g Up to 50l Up to 700g, for bottles up to 30l Up to 30l Acme, MHT and Husky Netstal, Arburg, BMB and Husky Husky, Netstal, Engel, Battenfeld, Demag etc. Netstal, Husky, Sacmi, Engel, Arburg, Cincinnati, SIG, etc. Husky, Netstal, Krauss- Maffei, Krupp, BMB Not in range at present Yes Yes 2 up to 112 6 - 48 96 2-112 cavities Up to 96 up to 500g Up to 241g, necks up to 120mm diameter Up to 50l Up to 600g, for bottles up to 30l Up to 10l Arburg, Krauss-Maffei Supply for our own machines only Krauss Maffei KraussMaffei Standard and custom, Sipa, Krauss-Maffei No No Yes, main business is single stage. Preforms up to 800g, bottles up to 20l No No Yes, for Sipa machines No Multilayer moulds up to 72 cav., moulds for PP Specialised in large preforms, also double wall Wide mouth, up to 5 gallon, trigger moulds Air recovery systems, Rotary blowmoulder