Insider 06 / 2016
MATERIAL / RECYCLING 37 PET planet insider Vol. 17 MPR – Multi Purpose Reactor complements existing extrusion systems Gianfranco Zoppas emphasised the low pres- sure needed and the resulting gentle melt treat- ment. He spoke about a new era in PET recycling. This achievement enables direct and flexible pro- cessing of washed PET flakes to produce pre- forms. “We look forward to building the proto- type in the first quarter 2017 at Sipa to start the test phase,” Christoph Wöss added. There is an interested party for the machine, but for the moment, this is a closely guarded secret. 1.2 million tonnes of PET recycled with Vacurema technology Some 1.2 million tonnes of PET are already recycled every year around the world with Vacurema technology for end prod- ucts such as preforms for the beverage industry as well as for thermoforming sheet, fibres, strapping, etc. This shows that recyclers and producers can count on flexibility in their production processes to react to fluctu- ating economic factors. The claim of adaptability applies likewise to the efficient MPR which can be retrofitted to existing extrusion lines. Decontamination, drying, de- dusting and crystallisation of different PET input materi- als are carried out in a single step. As a result, the washed PET material is already food contact compliant prior to extrusion. Vacu- rema technology offers a very high degree of flexibility in PET recycling which is enhanced even further through the successful collaboration between Erema and Sipa.