Insider 07+08 / 2016

BOTTLING / FILLING 16 PET planet insider Vol. 17 No. 07+08/16 Blowing and filling in a monobloc The Italy-based company says that more advantages could accrue for the user when the filling valve system is built into their Sincro Bloc, a monobloc with integrated bottle blowing and filling. This incorporates a star-wheel system for transferring the bottles from the blowing station to the filling station, which enables a rapid change-over of the grippers that grab the bottle necks. In fact, rather than the pincers being changed one at a time, they are changed in groups, each making up a semi-circle around the wheel, in a single and simple operation - all without the need for any special tooling. This is said to be an advantage in the case of the use of two neck sizes (ie 28 and 38mm) typical of hotfill and CSD mixed lines. Together with all the other quick- change solutions of the Sincro Bloc, the neck change is straightforward, according to Sipa. Units are capable of producing and filling up to 1,800 HF bottles per hour per blow mould- ing cavity, and as many as 2,250 CSD bottles. Hygiene in product preparation In the product preparation area, Sipa has extended its offering with a series of machines that, together, provide an increased high level of flexibility and customisation. The de- aeration, carbonation, blending and pasteurisation stages can all be con- figured exactly to the specific needs of the customer and their products, whether they are CSDs or HF types. In this area of the line, the main focus is on the flexible pas- teurising unit, suitable for handling both HF and CSD products. The ability to control this part of the overall process in such a flexible and product-specific way, together with the use of advanced filling technologies, also means that it is possible to carry out CSD filling operations without the need for any preservatives. Further- more, it is possible to fill CSDs at ambient temperature (up to 20 °C), which could provide appreciable energy savings. The idea of being able to do away with preservatives for drinks is one that has always generated a lot of interest in the food and bev- erage industry, as well as among consumers, that are looking for more “natural” food products. The company has been study- ing various aspects of its filling line equipment that will facilitate the elimination of such preservatives. On systems with integrated PET preform production, for example, various options are now available to maintain the cleanliness of the preforms between the injection moulding machine and the stretch- blow moulding unit:  the collection hopper, lift and slide can all be enclosed and subject to over-pressure to keep out dust; Want the secret to bottle light weighting? Process Pilot ® automated blowmolder control system takes the guesswork out of material distribution management and can help ensure the success of even the most aggressive light weighting program. Featuring 24/7 blowmolder control, the Process Pilot system continuously maintains proper material distribution, on every bottle, to an unmatched level of accuracy. With the Process Pilot system, you have the means to push light weighting to the limit without VDFULȴFLQJ ERWWOH TXDOLW\ RU SHUIRUPDQFH Not convinced? Talk to one of our specialists today to schedule a free seminar and evaluation of the Process Pilot system on one of your blowmolding lines. Web: Tel: +1.724.482.2163 E-mail: [email protected] See us at booth 11B40  preforms can be treated to elimi- nate any possible contamination;  preforms de-dusting with ionised air;  special ventilation filters can be installed in the reheat oven area. The valves use PTFE bellows that protect all moving parts, meaning that virtually nothing adheres to them, no matter how sugary and sticky the product is. The complete units are also designed to be easy to clean using Clean in Place (CIP) and Clean out of Place (COP) washing systems. Another important feature is the use of a microbiological isola- tor around the immediate filling area, which enables a reduction in the space that needs to be kept under control, making it possible to use cost-effective sanitising systems. Fur- thermore, contamination of the bottle closures can be minimised with the use of a peroxide washing tunnel. A complete package Sipa also takes full responsibility for all aspects of the line. So, the company is able to provide its customers with its skills in development and design of all types of PET containers, how- ever they are filled. The company has also produced designs of lightweight hot-fill bottles with ribbing that adds to the stability of the bottle but also to the aesthetic qualities of the bottle. The company has also developed a squeezable bottle that withstands the hotfilling process.