Insider 07+08 / 2016

BOTTLES PET bottles 39 PET planet insider Vol. 17 No. 05/16 Home + Personal Care Bath elixir in PET Under the Dermasel brand name, the German company Fette Pharma AG is marketing exclusively through pharma- cies a Dead Sea elixir with algae extracts and an aquatic scent in a clear bottle with 150ml contents. The thick-walled bottle for the light blue shimmering liquid salt concentrate is about 170mm tall and is reminiscent of a preform for manufac- turing plastic bottles that has not been processed further. The product amount is sufficient for about 3-5 bubble baths.The handy packaging is sealed with a shiny silvery metal screw cap. Dishwashing liquid with Aloe Vera The German pioneer of eco- logical detergents and dishwash- ing liquids Frosch, has launched in Germany a dishwashing liquid for hand washing in an optically responsive and functional packag- ing. The times when dishwashing liquids were filled into only rather functional bottles and hidden away under the sink during non-use are over. Today’s bottles are shapely, functional, and almost collectable. Frosch is filling 400ml of dishwash- ing liquid containing Aloe Vera into a bulbous, stable bottle, decorated with sleeve labelling. A screwed on push-pull closure serves as a dosing cap and a glued on minia- ture fold label that does not disturb the look, make the pack- aging into an eye-catcher at the kitchen sink.