Insider 09 / 2016

CAPPING / CLOSURES 48 PET planet insider Vol. 17 No. 09/16 The China Road Show SPONSORS Focussing on caps Jian Ren, Business Manager at Plastisud Shanghai June 28, 2016 Plastisud, Shanghai We met: Jian Ren, Busi- ness Manager For more than 50 years in injection mould- ing industry, Plastisud has become an expert in “Injection Mould Engineer- ing and Manufacturing,” mainly for closures, thin-wall packaging and medical parts. In China, the company focuses on caps. Jian Ren, Business Manager, is seeing little growth in this market, currently mainly affecting the machine manufacturers that sell new machines. For him as a mould maker, the situation is different. A cap mould needs to be replaced about every five to ten years, depending on market trends. Plastisud R&D Deparment is also helping customers to develop their own closures, with even more reliable and high production moulds, with high cavitation. For sure at some point there will be needs and requests for new tooling. As an example, an important market is conversion of the existing 30/25 cap to 29/25 caps. Jian Ren keeps meeting key players in China on a regular base to talk about new developments. Many Plastisud moulds are already producing for famous Chinese brands and confi- dence with the French technology is well established. FILLING MACHINES ARE NOT PRESSURE TESTING MACHINES Is your pressure testing doing what it needs to do? The Agr PPT3000 is the only commercially available system WR IXOO\ VLPXODWH ȴOOLQJ SURFHVV SUHVVXUHV DQG LGHQWLI\ FRQWDLQHU IDLOXUH SRLQWV SULRU WR WKH ȴOOLQJ RSHUDWLRQ CONTACT US TODAY TO LEARN MORE! AGRINTL.COM | +1.724.482.2163 | SALES@AGRINTL.COM VISIT US AT BOOTH 11B40