Insider 10 / 2016
LABELLING 67 PET planet Insider Vol. 17 of the print heads and ink flushing are automated to keep downtimes to a minimum, and the ink tanks are easy to reach and are refillable during printing. The printing module adjusts automatically to the height of the bev- erage closures. Hapa’s “redcube plus” delivers direct digital print on-demand in the highest print quality. New opportunities The flexibility of direct digital printing on beverage closures offers compa- nies new opportunities to increase brand awareness. Digital print in general is market-proven to real- ise efficient and effective communication. It can be applied to other applica- tions such as rigid plas- tic boxes, metallic crown corks, or any other flat- surfaced component, tasks the “redcube plus” is able to easily fulfill. Products can be individ- ualised as late as possible in the production process, opening chances for per- sonalisation of products and for new or seasonal launches and campaigns. Swiss partnership Behind the CLDP line’s development stands an exciting partnership between two Swiss market leaders: IMD Ltd., produc- ers of inspection and han- dling systems, and Hapa. The partners, located within close proximity of each other, offer custom- ers the advantage of being able to sit with representa- tives of each company to tailor solutions toward capturing new marketing parameters.