Insider 10 / 2016

TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 69 PET planet Insider Vol. 17 No. 10/16 PROCESS PILOT ® makes producing a better PET bottle as easy as 2 3 1 MEASURE CONTROL OPTIMIZE every bottle for changes in material distribution process variation, inside the blowmolder material utilization and orientation to achieve maximum bottle performance CONTACT US TODAY TO LEARN MORE! AGRINTL.COM | +1.724.482.2163 | [email protected] VISIT US AT BOOTH 11B40 NGR Hall 9 Booth C30 Recycling solutions The Austrian-German Next Generation Group, comprised of Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen GmbH, BritAS Recycling-Anlagen GmbH and Dr. Collin GmbH, is showcas- ing new processing methods, technology and profit-generat- ing services along the plastics value chain. Widening the lead in plastics recycling tech- nology S.M.A.R.T. Dialog from NGR is intended to virtually enable the machinery to speak, and it provides the process analyses to ensure recycling success at minimal cost along- side key operating data. As part of a live demo, the system will be demoed for the professional audience on mobile devices. Many steps are increasing the output of NGR sys- tems while also providing lower energy consumption. The P:React series will be presented for the first time; it follows the new LSP process (world premiere). With this technology, rPellets with better properties than virgin material can be produced and decontaminated reliably and within minutes, according to the company. Additional offerings in the area of post-consumer recycling further round out the NGR range of products and services. “Zero scrap production” in live demo At the booth, a new pilot plant solution from Dr. Collin will manufacture PP film. The film edge trims and film rolls will be further processed into rPellets by an NGR recycling machine. The processed plastics will then be returned back into film production. An inline melt characterisation unit developed by Collin will also provide advanced quality control of the new plastics raw material during the recycling process. In this setup, the processing parameters will be further monitored, recorded and analysed in real-time on the recycling machine, and displayed for attendees on mobile devices in easy-to- understand charts. This new form of human-machine com- munication is designed as S.M.A.R.T. Dialog: it provides for considerably improved equipment utilisation, rationalisation in terms of service and maintenance, and provides all the data to evaluate the recycling investment. In live operation, Collin laboratory and pilot systems will show how plastics and processing methods, in both the raw materials industry as well as in plastics converting, can pro- vide the basis for even higher-performance product design. Modularity, precision, flexibility and the highest repeatability are all achieved. This year, Collin will provide a live demo at the NGR booth of an interesting technology for post-indus- trial and post-consumer recycling. Continual development of filtration technology The melt filtration system plays a critical role in the pro- duction of high-quality post-consumer pellets. BritAS will pre- sent the latest version of its successful band-melt-filter which is claimed to be easy to operate, to support more flexible applications and to allow for minimal operating costs.